Think Big, but Start Small....

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3 years ago

It's okay to derail from the path sometimes, it's okay to get carried away and sometimes even lose confidence in yourself. It's okay to even almost give up when things get overwhelming. But what you should never do is let it all get to you and you stop dreaming big.

Never let your situations get to you that you begin to see your dreams as too big and unattainable. Never see yourself as not enough to achieve those dreams and plans you have. When you begin to do that you have already lost the first half of the match against life.

When you begin to think like that, you are already dealing yourself a blow with your own hands. If there's anything you should know it's that you have been endowed with enough skills, intellect and drive to achieve whatever it is in your heart to achieve.

Your current situation might try to bring you low and try to lower your confidence and to be honest sometimes your confidence will take a hit. But NEVER EVER stop dreaming big, NEVER EVER stop believing you can achieve your dreams and goals.

You are more than enough to achieve all that it is you want to achieve. Don't let life and situations make you believe any less in your dreams.

 "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." -- Confucius

I saw this quote and I instantly fell in love my friends. Many become lazy and stop moving in their journeys because they are waiting for those very big moves. They are waiting for those mega moves that will take them from A to Z straight up. In reality it's not like that at all.

It's those little steps, those minute moves that add up to something gargantuan, that adds up to something big. Those small moves matter my friends, they are the building blocks on which the big moves are made.

Never despise your days of little beginnings my friends. Never ignore the small stones, keep piling them and you will have a mountain pretty soon. Never ignore the little sand, keep building and you will have a castle in no time. That's the way of the world my friend, keep working and keep doing big things.

 "Failure is sometimes the best option if you view the process as a lifelong journey." -- Brad Feld

It's funny and sad to me many times when I see so many people so scared of failure that it destroys their goals and ambitions. They take a hit or fail at something say business or a job and they give up. It's always sad for me to see that.

Failure will definitely come at some point, you will fail from time to time it's the natural order of life you can't win always. Anyone who tells you that you will always win isn't been truthful to you and you should not trust them, infact avoid them lol.

But what keeps you going after the failure and when you fail woefully is that whatever you are doing is for the long term. The short term failures always price to be worth it in the long term and they more often then not teach us invaluable lessons.

It's sad that a lot of people are very myopic and let the short term failures derail them from their goals and plans. Please my friends if you take anything from this lesson it is that keep your eyes on the long term goal and ignore or look beyond the short term failures. It will do you a world of good and will make your state of mind more focused.

Take those hits when they come my friends, but when you do take them, take them with your head held high and your heart stronger and your mind fixed on the long term goal.

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Avatar for Don_Christov
3 years ago


It's okay to derail from the path sometimes, it's okay to get carried away and sometimes even lose confidence in yourself. It's okay to even almost give up when things get overwhelming. But what you should never do is let it all get to you and you stop dreaming big.

Never let your situations get to you that you begin to see your dreams as too big and unattainable. Never see yourself as not enough to achieve those dreams and plans you have. When you begin to do that you have already lost the first half of the match against life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To get ahead is to get started with little you have well stipulated the points in your article thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago