My hedging strategy

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Avatar for Don_Christov
2 years ago

Every player in the crypto game knows that as much as there are enormous gains to be made, there is probably the highest volatility to be found, one that can wipe you out very quickly. As someone who is very active in a bunch of markets, from the crypto market to the stock market, Forex and even Indices trading, I understand volatility a lot. Crypto volatility however is a crazy game on its own.

I stopped trading futures and crypto generally when I figured out it wasn't for me. I majorly buy bags I'm confident in and hold for a while for decent profit before selling. However I have learnt that the most gains are gotten from the most volatile of assets.

In bull markets altcoins make you the most gains and in bear markets they give you the most losses. While in bull markets Bitcoin and Ethereum give you the least gains and in bear markets they bring you lesser losses. These two are the biggest and will remain the biggest projects for the foreseeable future, and while they are also volatile and speculative, they are in some ways "safe".

And so my strategy is pretty simple, I buy altcoins and when I want to sell I convert them into Ethereum and Bitcoin. So I am constantly growing my Bitcoin and Ethereum portfolios. This is not to say that I do not keep stable coins or have a USDT portfolio, I allocate maybe too much to stable coins in fact, but you are always sure to find $ETH and $BTC heavily in my portfolio.

I'm situations where there is a dump my altcoins portfolios might drop 50% while my BTC and ETH portfolios drop 10 to 15%. When prices show signs of recovering I can then go back into those altcoin portfolios and they are usually still always way down from their previous prices so it makes for good entry points and I'm up in my ETH and BTC bags. At that point I'm up in BTC and ETH holdings, I'm also usually back at either break even it back in profit and to cap it all up I'm back into my altcoins at cheaper prices.

I will also admit this is incredible. Timing the market is almost impossible and doing this negates the whole buy, hold and forget strategy as it requires a bit of time to monitor prices. But doing this will give you great entet points and help increase your bags.

$ 11.15
$ 11.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Don_Christov
2 years ago


nice strategy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to see you here Don! Anything else you hold apart from BTC and Eth? How are you in general?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey man, being a while. I should definitely shoot you an email soon. I've been good but very busy so kinds affected my writing. But for sure I hold other stuff apart from BTC and ETH. I like the L1 narrative, so I hold FTM, AVAX and ONE. Also hold some gaming and Metaverse tokens, but plan to eventually move them all into Eth or BTC.

$ 0.00
2 years ago