He calls a mother who suffers psychological violence from her son who is "addicted" to betting. He takes her money, he is unbearable, he shouts and swears, he is just afraid for himself and his family. He goes out somewhere in the evening, hiding, despite the ban, he is sometimes gone for two days. so he doesn't know whether to report it? If she reports what she got with it? He'll come home, so maybe it'll be worse. If he fines him, they will have to pay, Sometimes he wins, he seems to lose more. I wonder if the bookmakers are not closed. He tells me: There are bets, they will not be closed and there are "hangs" on the computer all night over the Internet, Last night he tells her angrily that they lost their car like that ?! He asks me what to do, if he lost his car on the computer, can he lose his apartment that way? I tell her I don't know. I didn’t quite understand how they lost the car?

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@Dolorexa43 posted 3 years ago
