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Avatar for Dogan
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Family, Children, Mother, Father, Love, ...

Hello there

I will talk about family problems and children.

You think that family problems only occur between parents.

You are wrong.

Have you ever thought about how affected children were by the events between parents?

Of course there are those who think.

But no parent thinks about it during a fight.

Children are exposed to lots of noise, insults and swearing.

Meanwhile, they find a tiny space for themselves and hide.

What happens next?

They cry and seek salvation. They are very upset, just as they have nightmares every night, their lives are no different from nightmares.

I will make a suggestion to you mothers and fathers;

Divorce. If you can't get along, please divorce.

Divorce if you are not able to listen to each other and solve your problems by talking.

Children want love.

The more the mother and father love each other, the happier the children will be.

Where there is no love, there is neither peace nor a child who can give love in the future.

Children are always in a position to escape from their family.

If you are not careful, you could completely lose your child.


My father's friend and wife came to us the other day.

The woman has experienced so many things ..

I am very sorry for this situation but there is nothing I can do.

They are fine now, I am happy for him.

The daughters run away and get married because of the unrest at home due to the father's irresponsibility and alcohol addiction.

They do this at a very young age.

Then there is regret.

This regret haunts people for life.

As a result, everything I want to say is taken care of by talking.

We must think before resorting to an insult to a fight.

We can't get anywhere with a fight.

Rejoice. Love everything. Love your child, love your wife, love your husband, love your mother and father, love animals, love nature. Loving is in our hands, in our hearts.

Life is beautiful when we love.

Life is beautiful when we love❤️

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Avatar for Dogan
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Family, Children, Mother, Father, Love, ...


we dont understand childs, even childs doesnt understand us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

because we are not trying to understand. We don't know how to express ourselves. However, if we were a little more careful everything would be resolved. I think like this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Problems and arguments in families also affect children negatively. As you said, every problem can be solved by talking. You expressed your feelings and thoughts sincerely and in wonderful sentences. Keep writing ... 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much. I wish you success too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago