Herbs can cure cancer

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3 years ago
Topics: Health

What is cancer

A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.

Cancer may be a complex disease. this suggests that both environmental, lifestyle factors and genetic factors are influencers. The associations between cancer and environmental factors are multifaceted and differ individually. The article brings to light the huge advancement in cancer prevention and prediction. It’s a really intricate process but through dedicated research and important thinking, we’re making positive strides. Genetics research is more significant to the standard and results of patient care. no matter a nurse’s degree, nurses got to complete genetic competencies. Nurses should integrate genetic and genomic data into training, including booklets, pocket cards, the identification of consultation tools, and participate in staff growth activities. it's important to bring the whole nursing community to the top of genetic health sciences. Cancer-causing genes that affect the way cells grow, duplicate and separate are passed down through family lineages. The prevalence of cancer has brought precision medicine and made it a key factor in nursing practice. With everyone suffering from cancer, whether directly or indirectly it places nurses on the frontline. Precision medicine is an evolving and intriguing approach to cancer prevention and treatment. It focuses on a person’s lifestyle, gene variant, and environment. Genetic changes that develop cancer growth are often inherited from our family if the progressions are available in gene cells. Different variants include bigger mutations of DNA and should incorporate adjustments, removals, or duplications of extended lengths of DNA.

Some of the herbs are:

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bright yellow aromatic powder obtained from the rhizome of a plant of the ginger family, used for flavouring and colouring in Asian cooking and formerly as a fabric dye


Garlic is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion.


Allspice, also known as Jamaica pepper, myrtle pepper, pimenta, or pimento, is the dried unripe berry of Pimenta dioica, a midcanopy tree native to the Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, and Central America, now cultivated in many warm parts of the world.


Oregano is a flowering plant in the mint family. It is native to temperate Western and Southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. 


Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus". The vivid crimson stigma and styles, called threads, are collected and dried for use mainly as a seasoning and colouring agent in food. 


Thyme is the herb of some members of the genus Thymus of aromatic perennial evergreen herbs in the mint family Lamiaceae. Thymes are relatives of the oregano genus Origanum. 


Lavandula is a genus of 47 known species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to the Old World and is found in Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, and from Europe across to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia to southeast India


Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine.

Black Pepper

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, known as a peppercorn, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.

Cayenne Pepper

The cayenne pepper is a type of Capsicum annuum. It is usually a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes. 

Source : https://Wikipedia.org

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3 years ago
Topics: Health
