The mystery fish

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More than a century ago, in 1895, two Smithsonian scientists described a new kind of deep sea creature living at least 1000 m (3,280 ft) below the ocean’s surface—a part of the ocean that we still know very little about.

The scientists named their find the whalefish because of its whale-like appearance. Little did they know that this fish would become one of the prime suspects in a mystery that took scientists from around the world decades to solve.

This fish’s tail looks like a long streamer. It grows only up to 45 mm (1.7 in) long.

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Hm.. that's an interesting finding

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Very interesting read. Most of the oceans are still unexplored

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3 years ago

This is strange and a special type of fish. That depth is special in terms of habitat as it is cool with minimal disturbance. Hence the fish rarely comes to the surface where we have more disturbance.

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3 years ago

Woww interesting one..this is a very bizarre fish..never heard of it before

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3 years ago

The fish is really looking very amazing..this really a misterious fish..thanks for your are doing very good in read cash

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3 years ago

I hope you put a picture of the fish on the article. That way we have a better look of it. But thank you anyway for this informative article.

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3 years ago