Did you dream about your dreams?

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Did you dream about your dreams?

Dreams I mean in this context are your goals, ambitions, a visionary scheme.

It’s funny how this word was once foreign to me, I never thought about what I wanted to be growing up, I’m sure we all wanted to be doctors, engineers, pilots at a point in our lives but I’m referring to beyond that.

I mean that point when you start weighing your interests against your future, for me and my friends, the first determining factor was when we are about to resume senior secondary one popularly known as SS1.

In Nigeria, generally, high school/secondary school is divided into two.

The first is the junior secondary school(JSS), more advanced than primary school and a foundation for the secondary school, it is divided into three, completion of these classes qualifies you for the senior secondary.

The second is the Senior secondary school(SS), in most schools, you’re placed in classes based on the department you’re interested in and based on your results in the junior secondary school certificate examination and the result of an aptitude test that we wrote. These departments are Science, Art, and Commercial, some schools extract technical department from Science department.

I had no idea what I wanted to be yet I chose Science, I qualified based on both categories.

When I got to SS3( the final class for senior secondary school), it dawned on me that I really had to choose a particular field I wanted to study in the University( second determining factor), I was troubled, I started thinking of what I liked, my favorite thing to do then was reading and writing, it made me happy.

I started praying, I told my parents to pray with me, everyone was telling me that that singular decision could change my life and whatnot.

It now occurred to me that I have this strange thing for drugs, my friends call me weird for this but I love drugs, the idea of making one fascinated me, the whole creative process.

That singular discovery affected what I’m doing today and what I hope to be in future.

I know people that didn’t have it this hard, they discovered what interested them early on and that made them work really hard on it right from when they discovered it.

I’ve not met people like this but I think there will be people that’ll just see themselves in brown overalls and helmets and just figure out that they’re supposed to be in the engineering field.

Have you met people like that? Are you like that? How did you choose what you’re going to be or how did you choose what you’re doing today? You can let me know.

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I wanted to be an architect but it was changed to quantity surveying and I had to accept it because it is still in the same region both revolves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My story is a funny one. In Primary school, I hated Basic Science, so I wanted nothing to do with the Sciences. I admired Accountants, so I wanted to be one. In Secondary school, I developed this affinity for Science. After my Junior Secondary School, I was sure I wanted to be an Engineer. In SS1, I was more than confident Architecture or Civil Engineering was my Calling. Sadly, I was discouraged by people who thought it was a 'man's job'. They tried convincing me to consider Medicine or Pharmacy, because according to them, 'I have the brains for it', but I hated Biology. I still do. Eventually, I opted for Electrical Electronics Engineering😂. I'm about to begin my journey on that path. Let's see how it goes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those people don't know the extent at which the casual "don't go for this, don't do that" really affect us, I pray it works out well for you😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen. I pray it does too. Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It didn't come easy to me, I always wanted to be a Medical Doctor, but my first year in SS1 changed everything, the biology teacher taking us insulted me in front of the whole class saying I will never amount to much in his class...you might think it was brutal but it was the truth, I was just forcing it because I could and everyone around me wanted me to be a Medical doctor, I did find my interest though and I pursued it, the biology teacher was right, and I am glad i was able to find something to motivate me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone wanted to study medicine, I get why you wanted to as well, I'm happy you found your thing 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago