Is this love or foolishness? Part 1

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2 years ago

Different things has been happening and it will continue to happen,when we talk about love,love is very deep, like very very deep. Alot of people on several occasions has mistook lust for love.on a normal day, love should be unconditional. My friend told me her story so I gave it a thought and I decided to share it here.

Let's call my friend Becky(not real name) and her boyfriend Desmond (not real name), Becky arrived from Lagos two weeks before she met desmond, like I mean when they started talking, becky has been seeing desmond before she traveled to Lagos but they were complete strangers and they never talked,so they started talking after service in church one day,you are thinking if they attend the same church,yes they do. So they started chatting on WhatsApp,they started getting closer day by day,they talked about everything, Becky would ask desmond if he's in any relationship, desmond would reply no, so their fondness for each other grew the more and they started dating two months after,he did not ask her out but they just find themselves dating (you know that kind thing). A month after they started dating desmond called Becky that he wants to have a word with her,so she came to his place to hear what he has to say, then this was what desmond said,he said he was already in a relationship but he doesn't love the girl anymore because the girl is troublesome and disrespectful,becky was heart broken and she decided she was going to leave the relationship but desmond begged and begged her that he is already in love with her and that she should not leave him alone,that he will leave that girl soon because he is not in love with her anymore,that she should just calm down and believe him,he told her that if she leaves because of that other girl,that it means she did not love him at all, Becky was buttered but she decided to stay because the truth is that she loves desmond so much and she's not willing to let go.

So they become more intimate with each other,they see almost everyday,they do alot of things together but not sex,Becky already told Desmond that she wants them to leave sex out of it because she's a virgin and she would want him to wait till wedding night,so he agreed but not entire agreement,you know what am talking about, desmond showed her love and she reciprocated back by showing him love too,until December period came and everyone was enjoying the moments,then desmond other girl decided to come visit desmond at their house because he lives with his family (his parent and siblings) ,let us name that other girl Ruth,so Ruth decided to come greet her boyfriend for a week but before that time Becky has been telling her boyfriend she's not comfortable with the relationship anymore,he told her he will leave Ruth soon but it's already 6month and he hasn't left her yet, desmond still pleaded with Becky that he will leave her soonπŸ˜‚,December was their one year anniversary and Desmond haven't left Ruth yet instead of that,she still came over to visit desmond.

Desmond told Becky already that Ruth is coming over and he doesn't know what she's looking for,that doesn't want her in his house,he apologized to Becky that she should not be angry and be calm through out that period of time,when Ruth finally arrived someone,a friend precisely told becky that Ruth Is around already so Becky went there the second day, meanwhile that friend has also been telling Ruth that desmond has another girl because she knows the two of them,so Becky went ,she didn't cause any proby because she's a gentle girl , desmond took Becky to his room and they were gisting when Ruth sudden knocked and told and told desmond she wants to see him,he didn't answer but she started calling him on phone , Desmond decided to go see her, she was shouting and saying all sort of things like desmond don't have respect for her that could desmond bring another girl in her presence into his room without thinking about her,when Becky realized desmond was taking too long,she went home out of anger,she was on her way home when desmond kept calling her line over and over again.....

Will Ruth leave desmond for Becky or will Becky leave or will desmond leave both of them? We will continue in the second part 😊, thanks for reading till this point,let me hear your opinion about this in the comment section πŸ₯° thank you

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2 years ago


There's no perfect relationship. Maybe let them to think it first.. and talk to each other. Its hard to have commitment with 2 person.. nexttime if you have relationship dont enter to the other second relationship if your first relationship is not done yet.. maybe you need to fix it first before you enter to the next relationship its very hard to have commitment if its complicated.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are very right πŸ‘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As far as i know to my experience i had 2 relationship before its very hard to choose if you love 2 person. better to let it go and moved on and start a new life.. if its better to yourself its hard to lived in this world to have a complicated situation, choose whats best for the situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know, why go into the second relationship in the first place when you are not done with the first one, you know sometimes we cause confusion for ourselves

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Crazy things are happiness 🀣, dating two girls at a time?

Desmond Keep on telling Becky the same trash everyday till a year, and yet she still stay with him. She should be able to see the handwriting on the wall, he still love Ruth, that's why he's finding it difficult to forget about her.

It will be better if becky should go to avoid problem, let's Ruth and Desmond settle with each other. That's just my opinion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚you know love can be decieving sometimes, I also believe the guy doesn't know what he wants. Thanks for the support always darling ❀️

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2 years ago