WhatWhat would be your Choice?

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3 years ago

You have heard the popular proverb different strokes for different folks which were first used in the 1960s by the great boxer Muhammed Ali (Source). It means that people react or feel differently to things and happenings. You might be wondering why I am talking about this proverb this morning. Let me hit the nail on the head.


Humans believe in preference as a way of living which is why at every point in time there seem to be disagreements and misunderstanding towards what an individual want against what the other person wants. So many persons enjoy seeing a man who has a well-built body structure i.e. having the muscles and abs in the right places while some others will prefer those with a potbelly and extra fat both on their faces and body. Have you wondered what it is for the women with muscles and abs?


As a man, would you feel comfortable to either date or marry a masculine woman?


I was watching the television over the weekend with my mom and the TV channel was showing a documentary on fitness. As the programme was going on, a well built masculine woman was shown as she was lifting heavyweight and instantly my mom exclaimed. I felt her surprise because she immediately called my attention thinking I did not see the masculine woman but when I made her understand that I saw the woman she immediately asked this question; will you agree to marry such a woman?


At first, I kept quiet for some seconds and this made her repeat her question but this time in a demanding and serious tone. I looked at her for a while and said; she is not my kind of woman. When I said this, I noticed her sigh of relief which made me ask her why she asked me the question. She told me that she noticed that I felt the woman was ok because I did not move a muscle when the woman’s image was displayed. I just looked at her and laughed.


For the fact that we humans have our preference to what we want at every given time, I felt it will be nice to hear other people’s choice concern this so I ask you; would you be comfortable to date or marry a masculine woman?

For the ladies, would you allow your brother to marry or date a masculine woman?


Feel free to drop you responds in the comment section for us to discuss. I will be expecting you.

First Published in Uptrennd by me.

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3 years ago


Beauty is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER 😍

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