Living The Cryptocurrency World in Meme.🤣🤣🤣

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3 years ago

Ok guys this is that time again when we experience a lot of laughing and fun through the use of memes but, this time around it is going to be a bit different from what we have been seeing. I was just going through my phone last night when I bumped into this meme of a baby dancing. The funny thing is not just that the baby was dancing rather what caught my fancy was how the baby was shaking his waist as he moved along with his dance.


Instantly, I began to imagine how it will feel like or how most of us will dance when we expectence a major pump in any of the tokens we have bought during the bearish run especially BCH. This thought moved me to write this article this morning. Note that this article is made for fun and I intend to give you a minute face filled with laughter.

WARNING: Extreme laughter can make you pee or urinate on yourself so you are advised to laugh with caution.


This is how it’s going to be. I will use as many memes as possible to represent some of the slogans we know in the world of cryptocurrency. The memes will be used to show our reaction to each of these slogans.

Are you ready?

This is the list of some of the slogans you will be seeing in this article.

·        DYOR

·        FUD

·        FOMO

·        BEAR

·        BULL

·        WHALE

·        HALVING

·        HODL



I will try as much as possible not to bore you with a lot of writing so that the memes can do more of the talking for me in this article. The first slogan I will look at is DYOR. I know that most of you know what it means but for the benefit of the newbie, I will say what it means. DYOR is a short way of saying; Do Your Own Research. Just look at that meme…


I bet you know why you must do your research well beforerere going into any crypto project. It is more than important.


The next one is what I tag the trio…

FUD, when you allow these three to hold you, you will end up making a lot of bad business decisions so I urge you to be careful.

FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.


When I hear this one I feel like I am always its culprit. It’s crazy how it takes my sense away and before I will spell Jack Robison, I have already fallen prey to it, even though most of the times I acted out of FOMO, it ended up well but then you must have to be very careful with this guy called FOMO. I know the newbie will be wondering what it means or stands for.

FOMO: Fear OF Missing Out.


The first time I had about this one, I could help but imagine what an animal will be doing in the crypto space, but I have stayed long enough to feel its effect and I must tell you, no one wants to see it come even though it is very necessary for the market flow. In a simple explanation, a BEARISH run is whenever the market is on a downtrend. For me, I call it the crossing of the RED SEA in the crypto market. Just look at that meme below you will understand better.


Just like the bear everything time the market is on a downward trend, just know that the BULL is seriously feeding so well to run off. For me and so many others, this is the best time of the market. I will always tell my friends whenever the market is on a BULLISH RUN that the LAND IS GREEN. The green colour catches the eye and everyone wants it to last forever. Just allow the meme below to serenade you.


There is nothing one will not see or hear in the crypto space. It’s very funny but if looked at critically one will understand that those who formed these slogans did a thorough job. Let look at this slogan; WHALE. By just the word you can understand what it stands for. If someone becomes a WHALE, he has the power to determine the market price of any token he is hodling. These guys are the movers and shakers of the crypto spaces. Just imagine the type of wave a whale will make as it swims.


This is the slogan that comes with mixed feeling. When a token undergoes this process, it becomes even harder for one to earn if it is a token one is earning from blogging or other areas but the truth is, its value will increase exponentially. I am talking about nothing other than HALVING. Just see what the meme says…


Last but not least is the one that everyone tries so much to do but the moment there seems to be an increase, most persons dump instantly. There is something I have learnt about this slogan. The more people HODL the better and higher the market price of the crypto, but the truth is that no one wants to HODL except those who are passionate about a crypto project. Now let me show you what it means to HODL…


Don’t laugh alone please you can put a smile or a little laughter on another person’s face just by sharing this funny article. I guess you have learnt one thing or the other even as you laugh out loud.

See you soon at the top.

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3 years ago


So sunny😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Briliant article😍😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

such a brilliant mind explaining the languages in the cryptocurrency world.

$ 0.00
User's avatar eve
3 years ago

These memes are classics. Hahaha. I relate to some of them especially the FOMO one. This is so hilarious.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just can't stop laughing each time I look at that meme... FOMO is real.

$ 0.00
3 years ago