What if Satoshi Nakamoto sold all his Bitcoin

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Avatar for DavidKomolafe
3 years ago

You wake in the morning just like a normal day. You turn on your TV and change to the news and CNN lady is speaking saying: " Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin has sold his Bitcoin, this has led the Bitcoin community in pain and also loss."

You like what the heck, what? Is this even real? You quickly carry your phone to check the price of Bitcoin and the value of Bitcoin is reducing $100 every 5 minutes.

Experts analyze that Satoshi Nakamoto owns about 1 million Bitcoins which is about 13 billion dollars, this is more than enough to quickly influence the price of Bitcoin like its a bank Heist.

Now, lets know that when a cryptocurrency is created all the available supply is in one wallet before it becomes distributed or sold.

You now immediately try to sell your Bitcoin, because everyone is about to quit cryptocurrency because the Whale has sold. You managed to sell your cryptocurrency at the price of $5000, congrats you are part of the lucky ones despite the massive loss.

Everyone now wants to know what's going, was his wallet hacked? or is it him that sold it. The number of people searching "Bitcoin" increases it becomes an international headline all around the world.

Satoshi Nakamoto is anonymous no one would ever know but hold up. The United States might be on the lookout for anyone who suddenly gets rich. You know $13 billion in a normal citizen account would spark account suspension. So Satoshi is smarter than that, Satoshi sold his coins on a decentralized exchange that doesn't need ID verification.

Satoshi is now holding $13 Billion worth Of USDT and Usdc the two most popular stable and now one of the richest men alive. He starts spending his wealth secretly as the United States or Japan government might ban the use of Cryptocurrency in public locations, they would say: "he is the richest but how can he spend his wealth lol."

But Satoshi is smarter than them, he sells his cryptocurrency the normal old way peer to peer you know, the normal way drugs are sold.

Now what gonna happen to other altcoins, Altcoin begins to drop in value, the leader Bitcoin has failed and everyone is thinking "now which whale is going to sell, let's think smart." The cryptocurrency community would talk about the fall of Bitcoin, memes would flood the internet, People would lose their life investment.

The FBI starts the hunt finding Satoshi Nakamoto or the hackers that stole all the Bitcoin. They have a clue, the exchange he used to trade is a strong clue! His IP address. In case you don't know what IP address, IP address is like an ID that everyone connected to the Internet has, an IP address can also be used to discover the location of the internet user.

This is where things get interesting, FBI finds out that it's not Satoshi Nakamoto but a group of hackers in a hotel in London with an expensive tech laptop and a few dollars on their hands.

They quickly arrest them and ask them a few questions on live television all the cryptocurrency traders are watching live across all platforms, as the faith of Bitcoin is on a rope. Everyone ask the question "now the hackers are arrested who now owns the Bitcoin."

The government quickly acquires all the Bitcoins from the hackers and a mad protest begins the first cryptocurrency protest known to mankind. Cryptocurrency traders now use the #buybackbtc across all social platforms. (Like they technically do not own all those money.)

Surprisingly the government buys back the BTC, Bitcoin becomes insanely popular because of the national headlines everyone now knows about Bitcoin. All internet users now know is a thing of the future despite the fact it was hacked and manipulated by a group of hackers.

The article/story was inspired by a thread "what if Satoshi Nakamoto sell all his Bitcoin." I would tell you not to think he has access to his Bitcoin. In 2009 the only way to create a Bitcoin wallet was by only using a private key.

Private keys are 1-20 characters mixed with numbers and letters, it is impossible to memorize. Satoshi Nakamoto must have lost it if he wrote it on a paper all those years. It has been more than 10 years of silence. His he even alive!? Drop your comments below?

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Avatar for DavidKomolafe
3 years ago


If he sell all his bitcoins.. Then he would benthe richest man in the world i guess..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like your Articles this one is very informative for All subscribers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

its be very hard period for bitcoin value but after some time i think everything back in normal

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This would not be a favorable situation for everyone who uses cryptocurrencies ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have a very wide imagination by creating this, well yeah nobody knows who and where is SN by now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think durian nakamoto is SN? You ,think so?,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Who is that durian Nakamoto?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Experts says he might be satoshi.. His birtname is satoshi nakamoto

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Some experts too said that SN is just a screen name of the Bitcoin creator. Nobody knows if he is one person or an organization. SN has Japanese meaning.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah its a pseudonym.. But durian nakamoto really matches with all possible characters of SN.. But he always denied it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Many personalities were speculated to be SN but nobody knows who he is, only him know himself and if durian is SN he will probably deny if you have huge money or Bitcoin you would choose to be anonymous than seeing your wealth being seized by the government and any organizations who are greedy to have held for your wealth.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's why, some of his actions only proves that his hidig something. And thr co programmer who started Bitcoin also lives near durian's house..they're like friends

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well maybe he really is 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting scenario! But 13 billion dollars is only about 5% of BTC's market cap (if my maths is correct) - I'm sure selling it would bring the price down but perhaps not cause a massive collapse - especially in a bull market?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Important article for all of us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago