Struggles of a teen

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3 years ago

Peer pressure is a strong feeling that you must do the same thing as other people of your age if you want them to like you.It is a situation where an individual does things just because he or she wants to belong to the reigning group. The group in question always engage mostly in bad acts that are prevalent among teens. They always reiterate the fact that failure to belong could lead to being isolated from the group.

A lot of challenges pose the life of the youths of our generation as a result of peer pressure.Fear of isolation, exemption and sidelined from the peers is a fact that mount pressure on the youth.Acts that are directly or indirectly posed on the youths as a result of peer pressure include drinking,smoking,gambling,womanizing,prostitution,cultism,stealing,clubbing etc. As a result such an individual becomes more difficult to handle.

The only basis to handle this pressure is through self determination and ability to identify and differentiate between the right and the wrong.Studying the word of God is a great weapon that goes a long way in helping youths to overcome peer pressure.Other weapons include keeping friends with good people,learning from other people's mistakes as "observation" Rather than "experience" is the best teacher

To succeed in life,be yourself,mind the friends you keep,read good books,trust in God and pray always.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheDINO


"handle this pressure is through self determination and ability to identify and differentiate between the right and the wrong" great 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago