The Common Cold

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3 years ago

It has been many days and years, in dollars, yen and pounds, that medical researchers have spent trying to find the cause of the common cold and cure it. In recent years, the fault has been with viruses, not bacteria. However, the latter can take a second step, if available.

What is a virus Without being technical, it is like a bacterium, but it is much, much smaller. In fact, most of them are so small that they can only be seen using an electron microscope which can be magnified ten thousand times or more. Viruses also differ from bacteria in that they are parasites. They can only exist as hosts in a living cell. When a virus enters a cell, the cell shuts down its normal functions and produces other viral particles until the cell breaks down and the virus spreads to attack other cells. They deserve their name which means married. Viruses were known to cause illnesses like polio, measles and the flu before anyone saw them and before they caught a cold. It is now known that there are over 100 different viruses that can cause colds, with rhinoviruses being the most common. But in the plant world there are things like "friendly viruses" which are some of the characteristics of different plants.

Are there other factors?

According to leading British researchers, viruses in most cases do not cause colds on their own. other factors are usually involved. For example, doctors and nurses can be exposed to the common cold virus from morning to night and never catch a cold, indicating that just exposure to the cold virus does not necessarily cause a cold.

There is usually something that makes cells in the body susceptible to the virus. In fact, several factors are involved: air pollution; sudden changes in weather from hot to cold or dry to humid physical fatigue and lack of sleep, including emotional disturbances; Discrimination based on food; a general decline indeed. So a surgeon said viruses only overcome their resistance if they are rejected.

So if you don't feel depressed, you don't have to worry about someone sneezing or coughing around you. However, because you can be around someone who is depressed, vulnerable, or afraid of catching a cold, it is best to be careful when you have a cold.

In particular, one of America's leading nutritionists suggests that food is the cause of the common cold. He believes colds are much more common in people who indulge in foods that are too rich like candy, starch, and protein. Likewise, another doctor accuses the common cold of consuming too much sugar and fat and too few foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

With the same effect, a famous author of medical arguments claims that the common cold is mainly due to the consumption of chocolate and other sticky candies. This irritates the lining of the throat, making it vulnerable to infection with various viruses that can cause the common cold. For this reason, he blames the mixovirus and not the rhinovirus strains as usual.

Other researchers say they have found that some people who drink too much coffee can cause a cold. Spending too much time on alcoholic drinks, using too much salt, and even drinking too much milk for free (for people with milk allergies) can cause a cold. And of course, refuse to smoke as an important factor; Cigarette smokers have 65% more colds on average than non-smokers.

what to do about it

There is a lot of advice from doctors and others on what to do with a cold. Authorities virtually agree that antibiotics do not affect the common cold and could very well harm you. To relieve symptoms, aspirin can make you feel comfortable, and other medications can help you breathe more freely. However, they do not cure the common cold and have some side effects you should be aware of.

What you need to do is work with the many factors inside your body to protect yourself from harmful viruses. If they are in good shape, they are likely to fight off the most common cold viruses. Therefore, common sense would indicate that you are slowing down - rest more, rest earlier, avoid unnecessary stress and strain, and potentially reduce your diet.

But isn't there an often-quoted saying: "Feed a cold and starve"? Yes, it is true, but according to one authority you should read: "If you catch a cold, you must starve yourself" and that is a completely different opinion! Therefore, she recommends a light diet consisting of fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable soups that do not contain meat or spices.

Anything that helps build the body's resilience will help to overcome cold symptoms and fight the cold virus. Some have found manipulative therapies, such as chiropractic, osteopathy, and massage, to be helpful. Others prefer auxiliary ones like hot baths, especially blanching (very hot!), Rowboats and sweats or sauna baths and enemas. Others, including some doctors, say they get cold relief with a hot "whirlpool," a hot whiskey lemonade. There is a saying that "one man's flesh is another's poison" and this may be due to different genetic patterns. The saying can be applied to choosing a way to treat the common cold.

What about the widely publicized value of vitamin C in treating colds? There is no doubt that vitamin C is essential for the normal functioning of the body, preferably in its natural state, such as in orange, grapefruit or tomato juice or in the form of rosehip or red fruits. Acerola. Whether large amounts of synthetic vitamin C will cure a cold or not is a controversial issue. Some side effects of high doses have been reported in some people, while others have reported a great help.

And not to stop curing the common cold is another factor that is also involved in the cause of this disease and it is our feelings. A famous newspaper writer suffered from colds all her life until she found relief by going to a psychoanalyst who revealed her hidden tensions. She was so impressed that she wrote a book on the subject. But as Dr. Karl Menninger pointed out, you don't need to go to a psychoanalyst to find out the truth about yourself.

Knowing what causes a cold and what you can do to ease it can also help prevent them. One doctor said: “Sleep well, eat well, and avoid relaxing. Be careful and you will rarely feel cold. Good advice

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3 years ago


Nice helpful tips

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3 years ago

I hate having a cold it makes everything coming to a stop

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3 years ago