Joshua medubi was a man of many talents and he didn't hesitate to use it to his advantage, for of what use is an gift that doesn't do the owner any good Everyone called him 'okachammalu' . And it was rightly so because it was as if he knew almost everything from how to fix battered tyres to how to pass an exam without breaking a sweat, josiah had indeed earned his title by proving his mettle overtime. However everyone was shocked when he brought a dark-skinned woman whose native tongue stemmed from the south-eastern part of nigeria . Her deep roots in the eastern state of anambra did her no favour, as easterners from that area were seen as proud, snobbish and money-oriented.

Medubi women were famous for being fair skinned, mellow, tall and well-proportioned, her failure to meet this basic criteria earned her the ire of many as they believed that she may have put 'jazz' inside the food she cooked for josiah. I will post the rest later.

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@Danimite posted 2 years ago
