Landlord issue. Sudden quit notice.

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1 year ago

Hello Mes Amis,

Happy new day wonderful people. I hope you are doing fine as I am. Special thanks to @JRamona20 for the care she showed when I was sick. God bless you real good friend.

I returned back to Benin Last month since the ASUU strike was called and school had resumed. Getting there I learnt the landlord has sold the house and had told everybody to leave the house lastest by December. So I was already searching for another apartment to rent and that is a major problem at this point in time since the final year students are still around and the section has not ended. Anyways, I kept looking for and was a bit optimistic that I will find one since the time phrase was short and didn't want to take chances because the landlord can just decided to show his 'were' and he sure did.

Originally it was the caretaker of the house that was keeping the landlord at Bay saying that student had not resumed due to ASUU strike and when the strike was finally called off, she resorted to saying we were still looking for an apartment to rent, so he should exercise patience. We all thought she was doing it for our sakes unknown to us that she was doing it for her friend that was staying the same compound. Although the care taker had already gotten an apartment for herself, her hadn't gotten so she was buying time for her friend on our behalf. Initially, her friend told her she was going to stay till December till she gets an apartment and that was the same message she conveyed to the landlord that he should give the students till December before he starts his project. Last week her friend got an apartment and the next was that the care taker went to tell the landlord that she has seen an apartment and will be packing out very soon, hence she has nothing to do with the house anymore. Yesterday, the landlord came to the house very early in the morning and was demanding that we all start to pack that very morning as work will commence on the house that day. We all had to tell him that we don't have anywhere to go and that we were informed late. And besides, the care taker said December, hence we don't expect him to come this soon.

He then said all he can do for us now is that he can give us till Sunday and after that, the house will be demolished on Monday. Since then we have been looking around and trying to get an apartment. I personally went to meet the care taker to explain the situation of things to her and to solicit her help but all she could say is she isn't sure the landlord will stay he project on Monday, hence we can still stay behind. I overheard her saying she will be packing this Saturday. I didn't really think it will be this soon and the time is just too short and more over this is not much vacant apartments to rent now because the school is still in session and the session is expected to end around December 23rd. That's the issue at hand right. The landlord is hell-bent on getting us out of the house latest Monday, the caretaker we thought was on our side has left us to our fate and vacant house is scarce to come about now. I hope we get a new apartment on time or better still that the landlord gives us till the ending to this month.

So, that the issue on ground now. Funny thing now is that most landlords here had increased their rent fee to an absurd amount. I saw a self contain apartment the other day and wanted to take it. From the look of the house and with the fact that the house doesn't have it own water, the next compound supplies it with water and I believe there is a certain amount the people staying in the compound are paying for that, the landlord without shame or pity said the rent is #200,000 which is over $230. When I asked the current tenants living there, they said the rent is not even up to #120,000 (that's below $150). I was shocked. Apart from This issue of landlord increasing their house rent, I don't even have the money to pay for a new rent now and I'm hoping I get it soon.

Many thanks for reading this article. I hope I come back to give a positive update about the matter.

$ 0.21
$ 0.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @JRamona20
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Written by
1 year ago


You're always welcome Danika. I'm always here for you. How are you now? Stay safe always.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm very much better. Thanks a lot friend

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1 year ago