Everyday female annoyances.

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3 years ago

It is believed that 75% of women have suffered from at least one episode of vaginal infection. Many even suffer it without even realizing it. Others, on the contrary, become obsessed with the issue and abuse mediation.

The figures are clear and allow us to say that most women have gone through the annoying and uncomfortable moments that intimate infections cause. Unfortunately, the percentage of women who are completely uninformed or who handle wrong data about this important topic is also very high.


As a consequence, many are totally neglected in terms of the care they must have with their external genitalia or, believing that they know them all, choose inappropriate drugs for the condition they present.

Self medication is the opposite, the main medical problem that health professionals currently deal with. The number of diseases that have become resistant to traditional treatments for this cause is alarming. And, in this sense, infectious diseases are the most uncontrollable, since there is a limited number of drugs to treat them. In the specific case of vaginal infections. One of the factors that has contributed to this problem is the ease of acquiring antifungal medications.

The patient believes that because once the specialist prescribed it for her, and it took effect, she can continue using it without being sure that she has the same pathology. There are also those who think that the slightest change in the flow is due to an infection and they rush to buy any egg or cream and do not realize that the flow tends to be different depending on the changes in the menstrual cycle. "

And while it is true that visiting the gynecologist is not what women enjoy the most, there is no other way to ensure responsible care of sexual and reproductive health. Even the doctor himself, no matter how experienced he may have, can venture to give a definitive diagnosis just by listening to the patient; In order to do this, he needs to perform certain tests and analyze them in the laboratory.

Not so candid

Of the different types of intimate infections, it can be said that candidiasis is the most common of all. It is caused by a fungus known as Candida albicans, which is normally found as normal vaginal flora in an inactive form without causing discharge. The beneficial bacteria, called Lactobacillus, present in the vagina, prevent candida from proliferating and causing problems; however, this ecosystem is very sensitive and can be modified for many reasons.

When this happens, this fungus begins to develop and causes symptoms such as lumpy white discharge (similar to cut milk), intense itching and inflammation of the internal and external areas of the vagina.

"At present we are observing that, although this was one of the easiest intimate infections to treat. There are many cases of recurrence (recurrence of the disease shortly after convalescence) and resistance to traditional treatments, which They are usually with fungicidal creams or ovules belonging to the group of

imidazoles and triazoles. Cases range from women who, after one, three or seven days of medication, return to present the yeast infection, to those who never completely improved. Added to this situation is the fact that we are finding the presence of more resistant strains such as Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida subtropicalis, which are very difficult to treat with the usual antifungals ".

Other annoyances

Apart from vaginal infections caused by fungi, there are those due to bacteria, parasites and viruses, which are also often recurrent. To determine the etiological agent responsible for the disease, it is necessary to carry out tests such as a culture, which consists of the extraction of a small sample of vaginal cells that, later, are sent to the laboratory to be analyzed under a microscope. With the result in hand, the specialist will be able to tell what the vaginitis is due to.

A bacterium called Gardnerella vaginalis is responsible for a discomfort that causes a moderate to heavy discharge, with a very unpleasant smell (like rotten fish) and white or grayish color.


The patient may also experience burning or itching in the vagina. The exact reasons for the growth of this bacteria are unknown, but contagion is believed to occur through sexual contact. Treatment usually consists of the prescription of oral drugs and locally placed ovules. Complications of this infection include interference with the normal development of pregnancy and an increased chance of getting a serious pelvic infection.

The Trichomonas vaginalis parasite generates an intectious picture very similar to of the Gardnerella. The symptoms are almost the same; however, some differences may be observed in vaginal discharge, which is usually frothy and yellow-green in color. Its contagion is also sexually and can proliferate after menstruation due to the change in the level of acidity in the vagina. If it is not cared for properly and promptly, it can cause acute vaginitis.

Additionally, there are two sexually transmitted diseases exclusively chlamydia and gonorrhea that, in the same way, cause vaginal discharge. These are conditions of the cervix that can present without symptoms. Both pathologies, as might be expected, require to be treated with specific antibiotics.

A new ally

Currently a group of specialists is conducting a clinical study in the main health centers of the metropolitan area to demonstrate the efficacy of a new drug that, in other countries, has reported very positive results.

It is a medicine whose active substance is sertaconazole nitrate.

Apparently, in addition to being effective in the treatment of infections caused by fungi such as candidiasis and its more resistant strains, it has also shown an important action as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, characteristics that could favor the control of other vaginal conditions that can occur in parallel with the candidiasis

The gynecologist notes that in addition to having the endorsement of studies carried out in other countries, it is of great importance to be able to have own data where the subject of study has been the Venezuelan woman, sponsored by local laboratories, which serve as support to verify the benefits of this drug.


Natural help

There are always those who want to reinforce the action of drugs with natural substances that do not represent any danger to health. Suggested options include:

Boric acid ovules. These help to keep the ph of the vagina balanced, which should not be higher than four. According to a study of 100 in women with chronic yeast vaginitis, 98% responded successfully to 600 mg egg treatment for two weeks.

The yogurt. Other research has reported that women who consumed at least one yogurt a day had a considerable decrease in the incidence of vaginal yeast infections.

Echinacea. This natural antibiotic, as many call it, has also shown beneficial effects in the treatment of candidiasis.


Wear cotton underwear, avoid synthetic fibers that increase the temperature of the pelvic area. To prevent bacteria in the stool from colonizing the vagina, every time you go to the bathroom, wipe from front to back and not the other way around.

 Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants, nylon stockings, or wet bathing suits for long hours. Intimate hygiene does not require the use of vaginal douches, on the contrary, they are counterproductive, as they sweep away beneficial bacteria and alter the natural pH. For cleaning, the use of a neutral soap on the external area of ​​the vagina is enough.

If you require or are used to using daily wipes, prefer the simple ones that lack perfumes and other attachments such as talc. Try to have only one sexual partner and do not forget to take all the safety measures, such as the use of a condom.

Keep your stress levels under control, as prolonged stress tends to affect the immune system and, therefore, make it more vulnerable to infectious diseases.


Normal characteristics

A healthy woman can also have vaginal discharge. Small amounts of fluid are secreted from the vagina and uterus to sweep away the old cells that line their walls. In this way the area is kept clean and healthy.

This discharge is clear or milky, but does not have a bad odor. The appearance of this flow usually varies with changes in the menstrual cycle. It becomes thicker and stickier, like a kind of mucus, during the ovulation phase. This is a mechanism to promote a pregnancy while the ovum is ready to be fertilized.

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