You Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking Eggs...

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Avatar for Dangerous_Fly
3 years ago

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs is a statement that suggests that , at various situations or times in life we can't solve problems without it having effects on us.

It also makes it an advantage and tells us that sometimes we can't achieve success without making mistakes somewhere; someway or somehow.

As humans, mistakes are a part of us and will forever be a part of us but mistakes are supposedly not supposed to happen twice or more hence making it of great importance as it helps shape us and make us mindful of the outcome of certain actions or activities.

Mistakes may be of great disadvantage to us as it sometimes causes a great deal of loss and a whole lot of frustration but they are made to shape us.

Imagine solving a question while preparing for an exam. In the cause of doing it, you made a mistake with "Basic operations" causing the whole answer to be wrong hence causing failure in the trial.

Such occasions are unfortunate but when it happens it gives a sense of caution and makes us go by the correct way or principle. As this happens, it prepares you to be extra careful to avoid same mistakes incase same or similar question appers in the exam.

In a project of writing codes to make a specific thing happen, mistakes might be in the project (code) which when run at it's basis will produce an error making us fix and look at how it is "integrated" or "called" properly in order not to make silly mistakes when the lines of codes become excessive or plenty.

It is advisable not to always get "mad" at things when they don't go well or go as expected but rather learn from them by reviewing them, develop and try as much as possible to avoid such mistakes from happening again at all costs.


This statement in its own sense talks about why mistakes are of relevance especially when we are doing nearly impossible tasks or things that hasn't already being done ..

We make mistakes only to correct ourselves and keep the game or project going because nothing can be achieved on a silver platter, if and only if it is of great relevance.

It is therefore advisable that, we prepare for and keep in mind that mistakes are bound to happen in any project we try making all we have to do is fix it, take notice of the cause of it and never repeat it since we might not be able to stop mistakes from happening for the first time but can prevent it from repeating itself.

Thank you all for your time, special thanks to @Telesfor , it's Dangerous_Fly once again, Bring It On!!!.

Integrated article by @Her-bert

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3 years ago


God is perfect and we His creation is not perfect, as humans mistakes always at abreast on us, we commit it knowingly and unknowingly even how hard we try to evade. That is why, before a business is about to established there is a feasibility study made, to know whether the project is feasible. It is to avoid mistakes and failures in the future. But still how polish the study was made, in the cycle of the business there is always failures and mistakes will be committed in running the business. The reason why in business a funding was set aside for bad debts, that in case of failures or deficits, you have enough funding for replenishment. Putting in mind that mistakes is not running after us but rather in our side, always with us preparing to lounge on us when we are caught unguarded.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One word was a captivating quote. Many thanks and best wishes for sharing this quote with us. What we will learn if we are not wrong. People achieve success in life by correcting mistakes. We get acquainted with different steps by forgettingWhich keeps us from making mistakes for the sake of our next job. If you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, it will not be possible for you to succeed in life. Wrong path will come in life, but to correct the mistakes is to be the light of life. Thanks again for sharing such an important quote. I like writing so much that if I get permission, I will copy your statement, post it on my unique social site and spread your statement to the whole world

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You always amazed me that is why I love reading your aticles, it is also said that the fear challenges is the beginning of failure. Life is in faces and men are in sizes, one must make mistakes in life but the ability to admit and learn from it is the key sure success, . When a man falls and rise up he must look carefully to make sure he know exactly what makes him to fall , if not when he will meet that same thing ahead it will make him to fall again,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

People makes mistakes everytime , we dont really know how to be perfect in any ways however, just keep on going and learned for the mistakes that we made.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Learning from the past and dealing with the present is what can make us do whatever we want. No one is perfect and as such we are bound to make mistakes and learn from them .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree, very well said.. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Challenges are sent not destroy You Instead they are sent to Promote, increase and strengthen You

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mistakes are indeed made to guide us through the right path so we achieve greatness.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

People are just wrong. The goal of all of us is to move forward in a new way by correcting the people. We need to have the mentality to identify mistakes. Then it will be possible to live a beautiful life. People grow big learning from mistakes .Thank you @Dangerous_Fly for the genuine statement.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed mistakes are made to.make us aware of it and prevent it, we shouldn't be too cautious to prevent because sometimes the more we are the more we make them.

She every mistake as an experience and make it part of your training as you make it never repeats.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice message and a reality of life. No pain no gain is also some what similar to what you are trying to say here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes , no pain no gain can somehow be related but can you link them?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article. subcribe back please

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Please avoid such comments and make valuable contributions, it will eventually give you points

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good thinking

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you really much hope you understood the article clearly? Can you write what you understand from it here as a reply? I will be really happy to read it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

God is perfect and we His creation is not perfect, as humans mistakes always at abreast on us, we commit it knowingly and unknowingly even how hard we try to evade. That is why, before a business is about to established there is a feasibility study made, to know whether the project is feasible. It is to avoid mistakes and failures in the future. But still how polish the study was made, in the cycle of the business there is always failures and mistakes will be committed in running the business. The reason why in business a funding was set aside for bad debts, that in case of failures or deficits, you have enough funding for replenishment. Putting in mind that mistakes is not running after us but rather in our side, always with us preparing to lounge on us when we are caught unguarded.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We shouldn't let ourselves be caught unguarded by mistakes , mistakes are bound to happen and no matter how much we try for.them but you happen they still happen with the slightest miscalculation that occurs. It is rather therefore advisable to prepare for these mistakes and when solved , try as much as possible not to give it a chance for it to happen again

Thank you for your comments..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one, its truelly true. .mistakes is a part of life. You will not understand the situation if you got not mistaken love it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mistakes make the work perfect and fall into place. It makes one gains experience in his or her field of works and makes the person become professional the more he finds mistakes and solve since he looks at the cause of it and never repeats it making him also fast at his workplace since he will know the outcome of everything that he does.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's amazing and i am love it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. But sharing a bit of information about the post would be really lovely and pretty much great..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! You're so great at writing. How did you do that? You can't make an omelet without breaking the eggs is the perfect instrument for solving problems.

That's what I do right now. Comparing my past and my present, my past is awful, so much. Before, when I'm down I keep myself on the ground. Many aspects that bad thinking of mine pushed me harder. Some of the readcash users say that their comments on the other writers are not true, it's only a pretend just to gain points, that's not me, because every time I give comment its all came from the bottom of my heart. Why I'm telling this? Because joining here at Readcash is such a blessing to me. I can write what I can't tell my family and friends. Sometimes I can write my secrets here. Most especially, I am getting tips and other information here without looking it into Google because advice from real people that I met here is helping me already. By reading articles Bout inspirational contents help me a lot in changing my bad thinking before. Now, I can make that what is on your content "We make mistakes only to correct ourselves and keep the game or project going ". Your quotes always reminding me of what to do when having a problem. Thanks and sorry for the long comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! You're so great at writing

Thank you for the compliment..

And I really like your comment although it is long. The feeling of socializing with others on this site is really great and also it makes us pour all that we have that no one will be willing to listen and it is not just that , but we receive tips and points for the reactions in the site which is really great.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My comments are too long because I feel difficult to express my understanding in English. This is also one thing I need to change in my writing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me it is okay to have long comments on my posts but maybe others also despise it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sorry for long comment. I just feel difficult to express my understanding in English.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's not a problem, long comments are really great for me as they make my work of creating the post complete. Thanks for sharing that comment and the upvote. I appreciate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right. That true we can't solve problems without it having effects on us. Thanks for sharing this to motivate people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you also for reading and dropping a comment, please add your view of.tge article and contribution on the topic will also be great.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes we can't solve problems without it having effects on us. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article . I Love this type of article dear .i have gotten much information from your article . thank you so much for sharing this article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great feedback, but sharing a little of your understanding would have been great and I would love to hear it .

$ 0.00
3 years ago