Anxiety: What My Greatest Fear Taught Me About Life

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1 year ago

When I was seven years old, I was afraid of the dark. I would wake up in the middle of the night, terrified that something was lurking in the shadows. My parents did their best to reassure me that there was nothing to be afraid of, but it didn't seem to help. I was convinced that there were monsters in the dark, just waiting to get me.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

One night, I decided to face my fear. I turned off all the lights in the house and went into my room. I sat in the darkness for what felt like hours, waiting for something to happen. But nothing did. I slowly realized that there were no monsters in the dark and that I was just being silly.

Nowadays, I'm not afraid of the dark anymore. In fact, I actually find it quite peaceful. It's a good reminder that there's nothing to be afraid of in life — we just need to face our fears head-on.

My Fear of Getting Married Have Become More Greater Than All.

When it comes to marriage, people often have different views on when or if they want to get married. Some people want to get married as soon as possible, while others may want to wait a bit longer. For some people, the thought of getting married can be scary. If you're someone who is afraid of getting married, you're not alone.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

This feeling started a few months ago and has gradually gotten worse. I worry that I will make the wrong decision and end up miserable for the rest of my life. I don't know what to do or who to talk to about this because the fear of marrying the wrong person is a difficult feeling to manage.

It is common to feel anxious and even scared about getting married. After all, marriage is a big commitment and I want to be sure I am making the right decision. But I have found myself feeling overwhelmed by the fear of marrying the wrong person, I feel it may be time to take a step back and reassess my relationship.

I see some people who feel like they need to hurry into marriage because they are afraid of being alone but end up having a broken home. However, this is not a healthy reason to marry. Take your time to get to know yourself and your partner before making a decision.

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My feeling unsure made me complain to my friend who said it is okay to seek out professional help.

“I will take you to a therapist who will help you work through your fears and come to a right decision for yourself”.

Said my friend.

When we got to the therapist, in his words,

“It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by the fear of marrying the wrong person. This is a huge decision and it is natural to feel unsure. However, there are some things you can do to help ease your fears. First, try to get to know your potential partner as much as possible. Spend time with them and get to know their likes, dislikes, and values. This will help you to see if you are truly compatible. Second, try to be open and honest with your potential partner about your fears. If they are truly the right person for you, they will understand and be supportive. Lastly, remember that you cannot control everything in life. Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unsure about your relationship, talk to a trusted friend or family member for advice”.

According to the therapist,

“It is totally irrational having the fear of getting married. After all, marriage is a commitment of love between two people. So what is there to be afraid of? For some, the fear of getting married is more about the loss of freedom than anything else. Marriage means taking on new responsibilities, which can be scary. Others may be afraid of the unknown. What if they don't end up being compatible with their partner? What if they can't handle the challenges of married life?”.

After I visited the therapist I began to realize that deciding to get married is a big step. But if you take the time to assess your relationship and listen to your gut, you will be able to make the perfect decision.

Photo by Saeed Sarshar on Unsplash

In Conclusion
It is understandable to feel overwhelmed by the fear of marrying the wrong person. However, it is important to remember that this fear is often based on insecurity and anxiety. If you are currently in a relationship, try to focus on the positive aspects of your partner. If you are not in a relationship, try to stay positive and optimistic about future relationships. Remember, you will never find the perfect person, but you can find someone who is perfect.
After my encounter with the therapist, I have concluded that the best way to overcome this fear is to take my time, get to know myself, and be open to the possibility that I might be wrong.

Though the fear has not yet been fully defeated,
Your advice is well needed.

This article was first published by me on Hive

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1 year ago


Hi, you know what, just hang in there, people come into our lives, maybe not in our preferred time, but in God's perfect timing. Wait and love yourself.

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1 year ago

I do hope and pray you get married to the right person and get the most deserving person

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1 year ago