The Vision Of A Brave Kid.

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2 years ago

Some people sometimes see things that are not permitted to be seen by men when they are permitted to be seen.

You might have guessed what I am insinuating, yes I am talking about the supernatural beings around us who only show themselves to us when they desire. But I know some people still don't believe in those things.

The Irish satirist Jonathan Swift said "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"

I remember my encounter with what seem like a ghost or most likely a jinn, because whose ghost would want to taunt a Nine(9) year old.

Yeah I was about that age when I saw it. It was dark in the night at around 9pm I was sent on an errand to get sugar at the nearest shop.

So I got the sugar and I came back into the house and right when I walked in, passed the veranda and behold! right inside the corridor at the left corner something white just flashed at the side of my left eye, I didn't pay attention to it at first until when I went out the corridor because I entered in a rush, then it came back to my mind that I saw something.

I walked back slowly then it appeared, it was really something that I saw. And it is white completely, I looked closely again and it looked like a person standing, I moved and looked closer and behold! it looked like a lady with a big white hijab. This time I was not more to than seven feets away. As a stupid fearless little boy that I was I thought it was my mom playing a prank on me, but I was getting weird, I was wondering if that is my mom, then why is she not talking me. why is she just standing there?

The courageous me called out to her–mama! mama! But there was no answer and this time it gets really weirder and my heart is starting to ring an alarming bell of discomfort. With my shaking voice I called out again this time way slower Mama! Ma ma! Again no response, and the whole corridor was so freaking silent you could even here the sound of the spiders moving and making their web, others wrapping up their prey. Things are becoming so uncomfortable right now, all that is going on in my brain was what the hell is going on right now.

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Why is my mom not answering, foolish me! I leaned a bit to get a closer look at her, I looked down at her feet but I don't see any feet, they seemed covered under the long whatever white stuff is covering them because this time I'm getting a feeling that that is not my mom. I looked up slowly to her face and behold! the face is all white like thesame white fabric she was wearing.

What was more scary, was those damn eyes that were swinging left and right and then rolling clockwise so freaking fast, and they were looking right at me. And I was like what the hell is going on now? And I finally realized it, that is not my mom and whoever that was is not effing human. But guess what the brave me did?

I called out Mama! Again, just for confirmation. And when I didn't get an answer I had to give up now. I remembered what I used to from my grandma and what mostly our people used to say about jinns; that if you see a jinn and you got terrified, your body hair openings will open and the jinn will have a way to get inside your body. I remember that so I tried not to panic or show that I was scared. I silently draw back slowly and went inside.

I went inside I saw my mom and dad in the sitting room. I gave my dad the message that I was sent for, the message that had almost ended me.haha! It wasn't funny. I didn't say anything to anyone and I kept my mouth shut just thinking about it.

About five to ten minutes later, my dad sent me out again. I almost told him that I can't go, that I saw something that night. But that wasn't the first time I saw something similar and unusual deep in the night when I wake up or in my dreams. So I didn't want create a scene, plus my mind and guts at the time were daring me to go and see what happens. A test of faith, hah!

But to my amazement when I went back the second time there was nothing there, it was gone. And I was relieved and I salute myself for being so brave at such young age. It was after a long time have passed that I opened up about the incident.

Quick question

Have you ever had an encounter with the supernatural, were you scared or not?

Thanks fellas..

February 5.

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2 years ago


What a terrifying story, i am scared right now. You were so dauntless.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Not really in fact I'm a bit skeptical but I know several people who testify about it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well count yourself lucky dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I know that kind of feeling cause you saw something strange and it happens when you are being alone , When I read those story of yours I was quite nervous cause when you go rush in the corridor and something white in color flashed on your eyes, ohh that was scary.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah it was very scary, I was even having the creeps while I was writing it and remembering the moment. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe that was you who have alot of making yourself scared from those creepy moments and I think you are making yourself tough from that situations. You are brave my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, I was being to avoid the worse of what would have happened if I had panicked. Lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago