Sus pe munte...
Satul meu natal este într-o zonă de munte și cunosc aproape toate împrejurimile, dar spre surprinderea mea, în urmă cu câteva zile am descoperit un loc absolut minunat. Acest loc este la aproximativ 25 de kilometri de casa mea și se pare că Raiul este pe pământ. Am selectat câteva poze din acea zi, dar părerea mea este că nu puteți surprinde frumusețea în niște poze simple. În prima poză, ea este deasupra munților și, după părerea mea, deasupra lumii. This plimbare a fost o binecuvântare pentru mine.
În stânga munții, în dreapta munții, sub mine muntele... Și în depărtare se văd doi dintre cei mai faimoși munți din țara noastră.
This is where we managed to get to, it's the maximum point. It is a plateau from where you can see everywhere in the distance and only mountains, forests and a lot of greenery. Up to a certain point we drove, then on foot, being a steep road for cars. Here we met a sheepfold of cows and some shepherds served us with fresh milk. Otherwise absolutely no one there, except for a fox that unfortunately I was not able to photograph as it was faster than me.
We stayed here for an hour just to watch and enjoy the fresh air. Nothing was moving, not even the wind was blowing, only our echo was heard.
Unfortunately we also encountered felled trees, some seemed freshly cut off. Too bad, great pity! Nature must be protected, that is why the climate changes from year to year and wild animals no longer feel safe in the cut forests. For example, last year a lot of bears came down to my village for food.
But to my surprise, somewhere I saw that some fir trees had been planted. An extraordinary thing! I remember when I was a child I used to go with my grandparents to plant fir trees. Nowadays, young people do not do such a thing.
Another place that I really liked was this one with lots of greenery. I wish I had a house here away from the hustle and bustle and without any worries. An oasis of peace !! Here anyone would clear their thoughts.
Only blue and green ... And a stony road, that's all! What a beauty! I don't think many people know about this place, I think it's because of the road that is not very good.
He caught us in the evening until we got home. This is the entrance to my village. It's beautiful here too, isn't it? I really like my hometown anyway.
Next time I will write here about my beautiful mountain village. It is the same, surrounded by mountains, a small village, with thrifty and simple people. Romania has many places to visit that deserve this at least once in a lifetime.
It was an unforgettable day, I discovered places where people were not very, wild places and this makes them absolutely wonderful. I will definitely come back here, but next time I think I will dress appropriately, because then I was in a skirt and sandals on the mountain.
But at the same time, I would like to go to other places that I have never been to and that I have never heard of, even if it is even further from home, I would love to.
Splendide fotografii se pare ca care este arata grozav