Things we learn as hostelers

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3 years ago

Here is a post about things one will surely learn at a college as hostelers apart from academics and these things will form a strong base for future. Knowledge can surely set grounds for our success but its with the mixture of elements only, our success is acknowledged by the masses and respected by everyone, deep from the soul.

  • Building connections:-

    When in the schooling phase, our actions are controlled. We are provided a favorable environment by our parents, teachers and well wishers so that we grow towards success with minimal efforts about other things. One such things are connections. Our parents communicate with our teachers for us to ensure positive growth in our intellect and they manage to ask elaborately about fee and all thus maintaining connection to help our schooling out, they secure a convenient method for us to travel to school and back, they maintain healthy relations with other parents whose wards are our mates or best buddies. Many such connections are there which help us through this journey.

    In college, specially away from homes staying in hostel, we need to maintain powerful connections for our sustenance and growth. Like influential college faculties who don't have enough time to even learn your names and teach you for a semester only are to be approached by you only for guidance in projects or any other work and this time its not like school that they will ask you on their own, various people working in college campus like laundry guy or canteen owner etc.. you need to ensure good terms with them in order to have flexibility in functioning whenever you need them, you need to learn and stay in touch with seniors as they will be passing out before you and then will guide you about do's and don'ts for a successful career, we get to learn how to connect and grow together with different people.

  • Time Management:-

    While at home, we are at our mom's courtesy to get us summoned and prepared for everything on time. Not everyone needs mommy's help but most of us are notified about events on time by her as she is one precious soul working towards making us perfect in every way.

    Here at college, we are at our own and therefore we learn how to manage doing things on time. Alarms get us up, there is a specific time for daily meals, we take our scheduled classes and get back to hostels, we plan our study hours, we plan hangout time with friends, we manage relationship(if any), we give time to our hobbies, its us only who check after cleanliness of our clothes, room and many other things. All this teaches us valuable skill of time management and whosoever fails to learn it suffers always.

  • Sharing habits:-

    While at hostel, we need to share very often. We may need to borrow a book our friend has and he might ask for one as well, once you make never eat anything you have alone, exam nights are all about sharing your notes and intellect as well and you will share pretty much everything you have after one point of time when you get comfortable with your mates. This way, we develop a very unique habit of sharing and caring along with. As for me, I always had this unique habit of eating alone and not spending my money on others at snack points but after my first semester at college, I always needed someone to tag along my way to grab a meal. I never minded spending some extra money on friends and soon we began spending all over on each other and money used to get balanced with strengthened bonds.

  • Communication skills:-

    This is one very important skill. Back at home if you were not comfortable communicating to the new people, you always had the option of staying back home or your family backing up for you. Here at college, communication is the key to everything. Starting from the day one at a new place, you need to take part in number of group activities like eating at mess, leaving for college together, project presentations in your departments etc...all of these demand communication and if you aren't very good at it, this is your chance to improve. I have seen introverts changing at the end of four years of my college life and people communicating in a way they never could in the last few years. If you have difficulty in sharing your views or expressing your opinions, you will surely find your set of people(tribe) who will understand you and will encourage you to open up to the masses.

  • Work Culture:-

    In a place where several people stay collectively, there exists a workflow and you learn from it. You will see people pursuing their dreams, studying for different examinations, setting goals and achieving them, all of this well get a spark in you too to work hard and devote your daily hours to productive work. It will develop a work culture and will keep you in a habit of working. You will less likely to be lethargy and will work for yourselves. This will help you in the job you will be joining after your graduation and in bigger picture, it will bring about a positive change in your daily routine. You will work on real life projects with your mates and it will teach you how work is carried out actually in workplaces. Being a computer science student, college taught me how MNCs(Multinational Companies) carry out their day to day work and what type of projects they work on.

  • Understanding people:-

    Along with all the other technical things, there is and emotion flow while you are around different kind of people. Some of them will enhance your mood while others will kill all the positivity you had, some of them will always push you to you limits so that you do your best while others don't really care about what you do. Its all up to you to understand an individual's motive smartly and then choosing your company wisely. Once you choose a couple of pessimists, you are doomed. While you are on your own in college, you get a precious chance to develop your instinct of judging people within yourself in your best interests. Stay high on positive vibes and be with those who make you feel the best.

    A sound mind can be attained only when you are emotionally healthy along with all other aspects.

I leave the other points on you guys to figure out yourselves and wish you all the luck and blessings for your exponential progress while you stay away from homes being hosteler at college. For me, it was one heck of a journey I would always admire.

Thanks for reading<3<3<3<3<3<3.

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What truly irritates me in the side of the educators is the manner by which this cutting edge innovation isn't interesting to them all. I have seen instructors and teachers battle on 212research look into the variance you are involving in your work. Is the variance reasonable or practical? Do you have the legitimate proof and information expected to back up anything it is you are saying? See how well the contention is coordinated so you can use something simple to follow inside your paper.

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