Relationships : The Metamorphosis

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3 years ago

Entropy of universe keeps on increasing. Change is inevitable truth and you witness it in every walk of life. Be it your physical or intellectual growth, environment around you or if we take a bigger picture, glacier reserve on earth, everything changes with time. Love being one of the natural phenomena is also not untouched of this cycle of change

Since the auspicious proposal day to present times, many things surely would have changed in you both as a couple and generally. This article portrays that lovely metamorphosis the sense of belongingness brought about in you.

  • A queer uneasiness : Since you love someone now, there is strange feeling whenever they are around. You can't be just another person with them. You also aren't able to control yourself and at the very same time, you want to be best version of yourselves. There are all the people around whom your friends can associate your name with but that one name whenever brought up, renders your cheeks red. You die for their one glance, whenever you guys meet, nervousness is there and you also are conscious of your actions. You seek for each other's interests and want to know their favorites, food, color, clothes and many other things. You want to know everything there is to know about them and also the secrets which they have buried deep inside their heart and consider them their very personal assets. You both write the fresh pages of love with the inks of you own.

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  • Getting along and those gestures : It slowly takes hold of you and soon you start addressing each other with names of your own. You exchange small presents very often, try to surprise each other to fullest trying to put every single effort in whatever you do, their birthdays become you own, your girl steals your clothes and compatibility grows. Earlier you were always asking what you would like to eat but now it's like you can guess their preferences. You get to know more personal things like each other's families. It's this time only when you have started making memories of your own, kisses are exchanged more frequently(first kiss being the best memory), hugs are the best part after a tiring day and you two have your favorite places(to eat, sit and visit) all around your town now. Her dates become your thing now and you know what she needs when she is having cramps.

    If anything, you prefer to be together most of the times to explore each other more and more though you need to adjust as per your life and work.

    Since it's not so long when you started being together, some statements of your partner may hurt your sentiments, sometimes cold wars happen but once they get over, you get a new perspective, a new thing to know about each other and also, you can now judge the strength of your bond and whether you are happy in it or not? It's always the efforts you place in the relationship that act as decisive factor for happiness of your partner and love between the two of you.

    You start understanding each other's gestures, you want to be on top of their priority list, you expect them to know what you are up to and know that they are the one whom you can pursue whenever you are having harsh times.

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  • Maturity : A couple reaches here after they have experienced most of the scenarios(ordeals & happiest times) and have won over them with the strength of their bond. Maturity of emotions, secrets being exchanged, promises of lifetime have been made probably and what not. They understand you through the nature of your glance as they are perfect decoders of the way your eyes communicate.

    Getting mature at surprises is new thing now. Their expressions won't tell you a thing when they are up to a surprise plan now, you will just know when it takes place. You may feel them being lazy and unexpressive of their love but in a moment, boom, and the surprise tells you all, how nothing has changed but if anything, it has grown stronger. You probably consider them a part of you now, you are perfect chat(gossip, decision, recreation) mates now and love the way how you have gained that one most important person of your life who is carved out to be just perfect for you(like something planned in heaven). It's the time you guys have decided to submit oneself to each other and look forward to the bigger picture of spending rest of your lives together.

There are phases beyond these and a million other things I couldn't mention here but tenacity to your other half till the end of their times is constant and love grows everyday if it's the perfect match. A single second won't pass when you won't think of them and everyone will see you in high regards for your belongingness and promises to each other.

All those who are really happy with their perfect one, just a friendly reminder, nurturing the seed of love and watering it constantly is your duty for the rest of your lives now and in time, it's shade will protect you against the times when life makes turns towards scorch things and hatred.

Celebrate the feeling and all of the lovers sure do have a box of the mementos you received in your journey(I am talking about the actual things like cards, love letters you have), just have a look at it again and let the widest of your smiles take over.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

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3 years ago
