Article written by Gj_CryptoFR / DFfarmer and written in French [EN] --If you don't like the article or see changes to make, let us know in the comments--

| Odysee, the new Youtube Crypto |

Odysee is a blockchain-based video hosting site that has its own cryptocurrency: the LBC or (LBRYcoin). The site pays content creators on sight, at least in part. For example, on my channel, I am paid 0.30 LBC per view, or (at the current rate) 0.006 €. Knowing that the price varies is that it was close to 0.20 € a month ago you can quickly end up with a certain amount.

For my part, I have 3500 ~ 4000 LBC or about 70 €. The only way I found to get these gains is the application: CoinEX: which also allows you to sell them and then buy other cryptos.

There are more and more people using this site (Odysee) and its parent LBRY which is now possible to download to their computer. Odysee has many categories, videos and images ... It is possible to publish videos and images, but also audios, messages ...

Why use Odysee?

The videos you post on Odysee will not have any ads, Pop-Ups ... You can link your Youtube account to your Odysee channel and thus automatically upload your Youtube video to Odysee. But you can also decide to use only Odysee and create your community around this platform. Censorship is less present or almost absent, which allows for a wider range of choices. Users can donate to you and each person can earn several dozen LBCs through the missions provided and earn a small game of LBC every day by watching a video.

It is therefore a very good alternative to Youtube: without advertising, with less censorship, a community that can participate in the war effort by giving a little of their earnings made thanks to the missions and an alternative to the advertising system of Youtube. It is also a concrete alternative that allows the development of the Blockchain, the world of crypto, and makes it possible to avoid the usual Youtube payment system by a bank.

The site link: For more information:

PS: you must contact their support if you cannot link your Youtube channel to that of Odysee

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Article in French :

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@DFfarmer posted 2 years ago
