1. On an average a cat sleeps 16- 18 hours per day, nearly 70% of their whole life.
2. Most cats are lactose intolerant and shouldn't be given cow's milk.
3. Cats knead with their paws when they are happy.
4. Cats can get a disease named tapeworm by eating mice.
5. Cats have more than 100 different vocal sounds.
6. An adult cat have 30 adult teeth.
7. Cats can run about 30 miles per hour without rest.
8. A cat can jump more than 7 times its height.
9.Cat can't taste anything sweet, not even the street cats. Only kittens upto two weeks drink only milk. No cat can drink ocean water.
10.Only mother cats can take their kitten by neck with their mouth. If human tries, kittens get hurt.
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