Chocolate Pudding

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Avatar for Cutie_Angel_Mukta
4 years ago

Good morning everyone!

Here's my first attempt at making a chocolate pudding, well, I'm a total Noob when it comes to cooking skills, but as its post eid season, why not give it a try,

Here's the recipe I followed ♥️Chocolate pudding


5 eggs

2 cup liquid milk

3 tb sp powder milk

5 tb sp sugar

3 tb sp coco powder

1 tb sp custard powder

Blend all the ingredients in a blender.

Take a round pan & place it over a stove in low heat

Add 1 tsp butter & 1 tb sp sugar .

Make the caramel.

Pour the mixure in the pan.

Steam the pudding for 45 minutes.

Tightly cover the lid of the pot or utensil you're gonna steam the pudding in,

and make sure the steam does not run out of the air tight pot!

After checking weather it's done thoroughly,

Cool it down and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour or so until its chilled❄️ and ready to serve!😍

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder


I tried this recipe it came out very tasty ......tanq you so much for this recipe

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

🤤😋delicious another mouth watering recipe.. i'm noob in cooking to but in this group lots of yummy, delicous recipe that can help to make a mouth watering menu.. thanks for sharing😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago