Breast Cancer

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Avatar for Cutie_Angel_Mukta
3 years ago

The number of women's breasts cancer is increasing all over the world. Bangladesh is not an exception. But if you take timely action, it is possible to get relief from this disease.

The disease usually subsides before the age of 30. Most patients seek medical attention with a wheel on their chest. Chest wheel as well as some patients also talk about pain. Sometimes the patient may come with a wheel on the chest and a wheel on the armpit.

Nipple discharge and nipple penetration can also be symptoms of the disease. Some patients come to the doctor with a cauliflower wound on the chest. A lot of times that chest pain, the hand may also come with swelling. Apart from these the symptoms of breast cancer spread far and wide; Such as: bone pain, headache, shortness of breath and jaundice etc.


- Genetic factors, such as mothers and aunts are more likely to have children.

- The incidence of breast cancer is higher in unmarried or childless women.

- In the same way, those who have never breastfed a child have more breast cancer.

-Those who become first mothers after 30 years are more likely to have breast cancer than a young mother.

- As you grow older, your risk of breast cancer increases.

- If you have a baby in a short time, if you start menstruating late, if you stop menstruating early, the incidence of breast cancer increases.

- Even taking birth control pills for a long time increases the risk of breast cancer.

The above factors play a helpful role in breast cancer. But these are not the only reasons.


-Memogram or special type of X-ray of the breast.

- Ultrasonogram of the breast.

- If you test with juice from the wheel or tumor, this disease will be caught.

Treatment for breast cancer

If possible, it is better to have surgery. Moreover chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy etc.

Early diagnosis

- If you are over 30 years old, you have to check your breasts to see if any wheels are available. If the wheel is found, you should seek medical help immediately.

- If you are above 50 years of age, mammogram should be done once a year.

- If there is any doubt, you have to see a doctor.

Ways to prevent disease

Since no specific cause of the disease is known, it is advisable to follow a few rules to avoid this disease:

Examine your breasts from the age of 30.

- If there is a risk factor, do mammography. For example, if there is a breast cancer in the family.

Try to give birth to your first child at the age of 30.

- Make the child drink breast milk.

- Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

- If in doubt, seek the help of a caser surgeon


Remember that if you are diagnosed and treated early, you will be well for a long time. If the tumor is removed along with the lymph nodes in the armpit during surgery, the chances of the disease recurring are very low. This disease can recur if the tumor is removed incompletely. Currently the operation technology has improved a lot; As a result, treatment of this disease is now possible in Bangladesh.


Can breast cancer occur during adolescence?

It is said that breast cancer usually occurs in people over 50 years of age. However, this idea has changed now. There is a risk of getting this cancer even during adolescence due to genetic reasons.

Professor Dr. Rezwan Islam spoke about this.

During Adolescence , it can happen to many, if they have ovarian cancer in their family history. They have some genetic mutations. It is also happening in Bangladesh. We used to think that genetic breast cancer only happens in the western world.

If the family has a history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer or pancreatic cancer, they should be a little more aware. Self breast exam should be done. A doctor's advice should be sought. If the family has a history of ovarian cancer or pancreatic cancer, they need to be a little more aware. Self breast exam should be done. A doctor should be consulted.

Foods that reduce the risk of breast cancer!


Doctors are blaming genetic problems as well as lifestyle as the cause of breast cancer. According to Global Cancer Statistics (Globcan), about 2.1 million women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

Knowing these statistics can instill fear in women naturally. This fear is as unbearable as it is easy to get rid of. However, by following some rules, you can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

According to Indian media Anandabazar, the Ida & Joseph Friend Cancer Center recently conducted a survey of 91,000 women and provided a food list. According to researchers, regular consumption of these foods can prevent breast cancer. According to them, people's eating habits have changed drastically in the last few years. Junk food addiction is on the rise.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin A, fiber and antioxidants. These foods enter the body and destroy a compound called pathogenesis. Basically, this pathogenesis is one of the causes of breast cancer. Because of this, the risk of breast cancer is greatly reduced if it is damaged.

Research shows that eating vegetables, apples, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, onions, strawberries, etc., reduces the risk of breast cancer. Also, to avoid the risk of breast cancer, you have to say no to smoking. Alcohol and red meat should also be controlled. The amount of night waking should be reduced.

"If caught early, cancer goes away"

Today , we will talk about how to easily detect breast cancer at an early stage.

By regularly examining our own breasts on a certain date every month, we can be alert to any abnormal changes in the breasts, which is called "self-breast examination". How to do this Self Breast Examination ??

Those who have regular menstruation - they can do this test after the end of menstruation or seven days after menstruation.

Those who have irregular or stopped menstruation will do this test on a specific date of the month.

๐Ÿ”ฏ First of all, stand in front of the mirror and notice if there is any change in the shape of the breast or any change in the skin / whether any wheel or any part of the breast looks thick. Keep the palms of the hands at the waist and press down hard so that the muscles of the chest tighten the muscles and raise both hands to see if there is any change in the breasts.

Second part - lying on the bed with a pillow under the right shoulder and the right arm under the head. All the fingers of the left hand should be examined in small circles by gently pressing the tip together, as well as the right armpit to see if there is any wheel. You have to press the nipple to see if any juice comes out. Similarly the left breast should be examined.

If you think anything suspicious, you should consult a doctor immediately without hiding it.

There are some steps of diagnosis as per the advice of the doctor - in which case confirmation (FNAC / biopsy) is done through ultrasonography / mammography / needle or juice or meat test.

๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿ”ŽOur country has all the methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease. There is no need to panic and go abroad for treatment.

The treatment methods available for breast cancer are -surgery



Hormone therapy

Which treatment method to take depends on the stage of the disease.

If the disease can be detected at a very early stage, only the cancerous part can be removed by surgery and the rest of the breast can be kept normal which is called breast conservative surgery.

But if the disease is advanced, then the whole breast has to be removed with surgery with chemotherapy / radiotherapy. That is why early detection of the disease is very important.

Not to mention one more thing.

๐ŸŽ‘๐ŸŽ€ "Prevention is better than cure" We must be careful to resist. This requires our willpower.

*** People who are overweight are four times more likely to have breast cancer than normal. That is why weight should be kept under control. Exercise regularly. You need to develop the habit of walking for 1 hour daily so that the risk is reduced a lot.

*** If someone in your family has breast cancer, your risk of developing the disease can also be determined through your own genetic testing.

*** As well as the habit of eating nutritious food, vegetables, fruits should be developed. Any kind of alcohol consumption should be avoided.

*** Screening must be done after the age of 40.

*** Research has shown that certain foods inhibit the formation of cancer cells (broccoli, pomegranate, blueberry, lemon). Try to keep these on the diet.

So, let's try today. If we all work together to prevent breast cancer, countless lives will be saved from its coral grass, which is our mother, our sister, our daughter.

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Avatar for Cutie_Angel_Mukta
3 years ago
