Jesus and psychology

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2 years ago

“All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

‭‭S. Matthew‬ ‭7:12‬ ‭RV1895‬‬

The verse today really shows the beauty and divine wisdom of Christ. This verse is very simple to understand, but calls us to a higher level of thinking.

Usually we see others as almost 3 dimensional. This means that we understand the basics but not the motivations. However, we see ourselves as 4 dimensional beings. This means that when we behave poorly, we justify our actions because it’s the situation that makes us choose poorly. However, when others behave poorly, we believe that is just the way they are. In psychological terms, it’s called the fundamental attribution error and we are all guilty if it because it is hardwired into us.

We have all at one time or another had our inner being being in so much pain that we lashed out in a way that hurt others. Everyone does it, so we shouldn’t judge others. Many people carry around inner pain for decades or longer.

Nonetheless, the golden rule takes this into account. Even when someone treats us poorly, e we shouldn’t return the favor. We should treat then the way e we want them to treat us. By not continuing the cycle of angst, we open more avenues for positive developing


In this simple verse, our Lord is calling us to show our love for Him by sacrificing our ego. Let’s do it for Him.

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