Don't Forget Happiness Is Contagious

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1 year ago

good friday friends.

How are your days going?

I couldn't decide what to eat today. I started writing as always. I will decide what to write soon.

let's start..

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My Olasquare friend wrote an article about happiness. He wrote that happiness is contagious. Yes, I think true happiness is contagious. Don't be stingy about it. Be happy and spread happiness around you.

Spread smiles around you. Never walk around sullenly. Maybe a person you smile at will finish their day happily thanks to that smile of yours.

Remember, happiness is contagious.


I checked my student loan debt today. You know, when I first signed up for the noisecash platform, I set a goal for myself. I set myself the goal of paying off my student loan debt with the tips I earned from the Noisecash platform. At that time, I had calculated the amount of my bond in Bitcoencash and dollars. Based on the dollar rate at that time, my debt was 2500 dollars and based on the bitcoincash price at that time, 5 BCH. That was about a year and a half ago. 1200 dollars and 12 BCH when I recalculated today.

It is clear from this that I could not reach my goal of paying my debt. The amount of bitcoincash accumulated in my wallet is 0.21 BCH, or 21 dollars. The amount of bitcoincash I need to save is 11.79 bitcoincash and 1179 dollars.

Do not give up . Keep writing and reading. In the past months, some of our friends have received a prize of 1000 dollars. I congratulate them. I do not have luck. I wish I could get such a big award. It's a reward that will cover a large amount of my debt. I wish I was lucky enough to receive this award.

Maybe many people who read my article will say why are you focusing here to pay off your debt. I've said this before. I am unemployed and do not have a regular income. Sometimes I can't even meet my daily needs. I applied for a job in many places, but I did not get a positive response. I hope one day, with God's help, I'll get a job where I can get a regular salary.


Another article finished. I think this is a very different post. Because I started the article with a nice introduction. I talked about happiness. But then it was a somewhat unhappy and stressful post about my student loan debt. I hope you don't get bored of reading my post despite all these annoying things.

Please do not forget to write your feelings and thoughts in the comment section.

Hope to see you in the next article and comment, goodbye...


All feelings and thoughts in this article belong to me . there was no plagiarism. Everything binds me. Pictures are mine. it's my own shot.

$ 0.31
$ 0.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.04 from @Olasquare
+ 2
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1 year ago


Keep pushing...don't give up. I love how happy you are for your friends earning bigger rewards. It's a sign that it's possible and it can be achieved. I don't believe you lacked luck, I believe yours would come. You know there is a difference in time for someone who orders a drink and someone who orders a proper meal. A proper meal takes time. You will sort out the loan but don't stop pushing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

thank you very much. I am grateful to you for this belief in me. 💦💦😘

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Keep on going, and still try to find more jobs because you might face many rejections but soon you can find that job that is perfect for you. Just keep on praying :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I keep going and I don't give up. I pray to god. thank you very much

$ 0.00
1 year ago