Do you have an eye for others?

When you have a relationship, there's usually no other desire for other women. The woman you have is solely, and entirely, all you're excited about. This is what they call the honeymoon stage. But that high, of ecstasy, usually doesn't last long. Once you've fulfilled your need, and want, of having that woman emotionally, and sexually, we tend to see other things we may be tempted with. The real question is, is it worth it? In some cases, I believe it is. But also in some cases, it is. In others, not so much.

As men, we love women (well.. most of us). Having an eye for a woman doesn't necessarily mean we fell out of love with the one we have. In fact, if what you have is a "real" one, then the others become something that sparks our lustful side of us. I don't look at others in a sense of love, emotion, and commitment. But more so on the side that makes me react in a "damn".. way. Wondering what it would be like to be lustful with her. You have everything you need with the one you have, but in case you haven't noticed in all relationships there's always "SOMETHING" missing.

I identify these these women, into various types of categories. You have some who are sexually limitless.

The sexually limitless ones are the ABSOLUTE most fun. Key word, "fun".But I also feel they are highly risky. Knowing they literally enjoy "everything" is scary. Because I feel they're more prone to exploring all that fun with others.

The limited ones, who will do A B C, but wont do X Y Z, are a little bit more boring.. But often times their loyalty could potentially be a little higher.

The inexperienced, highly limited.. thinks a lot of fun shit is "gross", gives you what I call the ultimate loyalty. If wanting a loyal woman, that you can bet your life on, and potentially marry and never be played, this is the go-to unfortunately. Especially if loyalty is what you seek.

At the end of the day. It feels as if there's no... "All in one" scenario. You're always going to have to deal with something missing.Which sparks the next question for those who find themselves constantly unsatisfied. You naturally, will start to look elsewhere finding that missing thing. Then to only find out the void that was filled, created another void with someone else. Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.

Taboo? Open Minded? Adam22?

I don't know if you are familiar with Adam22, and his snapchat internet sensation going on where he paid $10,000 dollars for some porn star to smash his wife. The world see's this as wtf? The world is reacting to a new world that is actually very well known. In this case, he's considered to be what they call a "Cuckold". A Cuck is someone who enjoys watching his wife or girlfriend sleep with someone else. They actually enjoy this. It's a turn on to them. It's a fantasy to some men. But think of the mindset he has to be in to accept watching such an act.

Is he actually insane? Or is he on a greater level than most of us? I've personally done this as well, watching my gf sleep with someone and it's interesting. I believe guys who are at this level, have been hurt incredibly so so bad, that the only thing they see this as, is fun. His standpoint is coming more from a financially driven motive, with having fun at the same time. It just so happened to stir a huge internet drama that they're going through which we aren't getting into.

As a man, it's obvious women aren't worth marrying anymore. To only take half of your estate, retirement, the list goes on and on. Yet, we are working our asses off to those stay at home moms, and those moms who also contribute but they STILL hold the absolute POWER to destroy us if they truly want. Even if the accusations are entirely false, just SAYING the wrong things can destroy everything about a man.

So when you reach a level of taboo, swingers, 3 sums, cuckold status. Sleeping with other couples, person(s), in the relationship. It becomes more beneficial to the man because now, you not only have a woman who's allowing access to explore and enjoy fun with not only her, but others as well. You're not on this pinnacle of masculinity that has been around for years. Generations have highly suppressed this. Forcing most homes to think of monogamy as the right way, and only way and anything outside of that is, taboo, wrong, etc. But why? If it was so wrong, why would be so attracted to others even if the love of our life is right on our arm?

I believe can fuck who he wishes, and still never leave the one true queen of his heart. Being the man you're designed to be needs to be explored without punishment, judgement, and all else. The idea of sleeping with 1 chick the rest of your life sounds like punishment to me. I understand how "rare" those once in a lifetime women are. So the odds of everyone being able to find one is just highly unrealistic. So why NOT have fun? Learn to be open minded to various things, find that person who is willing to explore life with you as well. Am I suggesting monogamy is wrong? No, not at all. I believe there are the lucky few who find that something special who finds their person who check marks every satisfactory need her man needs and vice versa. Most men are just out there right now hurting themselves over and over and over again... thinking that the next one is it.Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over over again expecting a different result. Be open. Explore. Find a new you. Enjoy life. Do something you've never done. Those will open the gates to experiences you never thought you'd ever do, and who knows. You might like it, you might not. There is no right or wrong way. But being open, and exploring, has definitely changed my way of thinking of what I thought I was "supposed to do".... to now realizing I do have other options. And you do too. Thank you for reading my random thoughts. lol

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@Crypto.guy posted 9 months ago
