Facts Why BitcoinCash is a Digital Cash.

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Blockchain technology has emerged as one of the most popular technologies in recent years. This technology is introduced by Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency ever created, and has sparked global blockchain adoption. There are now hundreds of cryptocurrencies and many more blockchain networks being developed by various individuals and businesses.

From these different types of new blockchain network created, there are few of them that really fullfil what Bitcoin(BTC) should be especially BitcoinCash (BCH) that has all the characteristics to be as payment method.

When using cryptocurrency as form of payment, a cryptocurrency should mirror the characteristics on how the fiat works. In that case, BitcoinCash can really be a digital form of money in the following facts:

Long Distance Who?

Sending money from one country to another can face a lot of possible problems (e.g transactional lost, wrong information of a sender or a receiver, offline systems, and you're going outside). BitcoinCash solve all these problems. Sending money/BitcoinCash you your loved ones or any important part of the family is much easier. Receive money from them almost instantly and direct in your home.

BitcoinCash is also the best to send incentives and salaries to your employees from different part of the world. Also the best currency to receive when doing freelancing jobs.

Buy Literally Anything

BitcoinCash can literally buy anything from small to huge kind of goods. If you want to buy a one piece of candy, you can buy it directly and instantly without delay in the network. Forget about congestions. Can be use in both small and big merchants. BitcoinCash make it fair for everyone.

The Accessibility

If you memorized your seed phrases, you can simply store it or login to it on other devices(from the trustable one) if you forgot your phone while paying for a thing. In cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin Cash, you can buy whatever you want and pay for it using its fast sending process. It's as simple as 1,2,3 by scanning the product's QR code and pay!

Check how BitcoinCash works as payment method by Mr. RogerVer

Pay Anywhere

The most important advantages of having Bitcoin Cash. Aside from being easy to store on your devices, Bitcoin Cash makes it much easier to pay your bills and meet some of your needs. Because it functions as real money, you can pay impressively wherever you are. Yes! Everywhere and at any time!

You Are Transparent

Are you afraid of exposing yourself, particularly your personal information? Do you enjoy paying anonymously? when conducting business? So, Bitcoin Cash has the ability to make you both transparent and untraceable. The fact that you can pay your bills without providing your complete information. Only the receiver's BCH wallet address, the actual funds to be transferred, and mobile devices are required. That's all!

Escape The Higher Fees With It

Of course, the most common thing in every transaction is the 'fees.' As we all know, making international transactions is far too important to pay higher fees due to exchange rates. Usually, the truth behind these mandatory high fees is that the company is government-affiliated for the sake of taxation and their pockets.Lol!

Now that Bitcoin Cash is in use, all transaction fees have remained lower due to its decentralization capacity and the absence of government intervention. So expect lower fees, transparency, and a move away from government transactions!

Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular as a payment method. The benefit of using them is that users do not have to rely on a bank or other third party. All transactions are conducted directly between the parties involved in the process, eliminating the need to divulge personal information. Cryptocurrencies process transactions faster and with lower fees than fiat currencies, and they offer much more features, such as privacy protection and automation via smart contracts, making them an efficient payment method.

When it comes to efficiency, privacy protection, automation, network power and transactional capabilities, I must say that BitcoinCash has it all. BitcoinCash is the real digital money.

As what Mr. RogerVer's said about the Bitcoin's white paper, Bitcoin is all about “commerce,” “transactions,” “payments,” “merchants,” “buyers,” and “sellers.” And guess what?BitcoinCash has all of these.

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