Time flies

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1 year ago
Topics: Fiction

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Time flies

I remember how far have gone, remembering those moments of hard times,spent my early life in a very lower class family,met a nobody's son and fell in love with him,now 17years as passed that he left me but still in my heart and stuck together like forever.

I met him only when I was seventeen and we both got too attached to each other,we couldn't even control ourselves that our family knew of our love. We both have the same vision. Luckily, he got debuted first after four years of being together. He love to sing for me alot,so there was this special song he wrote and sang for me, he recorded it and it was produced and luckily it hit the rock of the best song of the year. That was how everything changed.

He was called for interviews by many companies,many signed him has brand ambassador. He forgot who he was and started falling into the trap of everything in skirt,he didn't breakup with me though nor give room for doubt and through him I got debuted as an actress also. His famous friends in movie industry started calling me to work. After three years of working hard together,he proposed and we got married. It was a simple but talk of the town wedding because we both are young celebrities.

Two weeks after the wedding,I discovered I was three weeks pregnant,my husband and I were so happy,I will say that was when I enjoyed most since we've been together. He pampered me like a baby or let's say egg,he showed me so much love than I could imagine. Nine months,I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I was so happy so was my husband. After the naming ceremony was over, a woman came to our house cleaning she had a son with my husband. I couldn't believe my own husband could even sleep with another woman talk less of having a child with her,the child was four years then. From that day,things begin to fall apart between us,I have to share my husband with another woman so is my child going to share his father. I didn't allow the woman in our matrimonial home but my husband do go out to see his child at her place. I wasn't happy though but I had no choice.

Two years later,I discovered I was pregnant again, I haven't even heal from the heartbreak my husband gave for two years,I felt like I wasn't ready to have another child when my marriage isn't good enough,I couldn't forgive him yet. When the pregnancy was five months old,I got a call from a woman again claiming he had two children for my husband (NOT AGAIN), I thought it was a prank because it was only few days to my birthday,I ask the woman to let's meet somewhere. When we met it wasn't a prank 😭,one was seven years and the other was five years. When I got home I ask my husband and he couldn't denied having an affair with the woman. I was so angry that I called my mum to come over to our house immediately else one of us will end up six feet. I could sense fear in his eyes when he heard me say six feet. He took his car key and left the house.

I was soaked in tears by the time my mum came in, she asked what happened but I could not say a word than "what have I done wrong to him". My mum called my husband but he didn't pick her call,she called several times everyday to know his whereabout and what happened between us. He didn't come home that night nor the night after,my mum stayed over, she insisted on staying till my husband comes back,he came back after a week. When he came, my mum ask him what had happened between us and he was only asking her to beg me to forgive him. My mum ask me what he did wrong and I told her not to worry again,put on a fake smile,she was angry that we both ignored her question and she left. Since then I smiled like nothing happened,I did all my responsibilities as the woman in the house and as his wife but didn't say a word about what happened.

In nine months I gave birth to another baby boy. I was in-between happiness and unhappiness because I was scare some woman might come again to give me bad news of having child for my husband. On the night after the naming ceremony,I woke my husband in the middle of the night,asked him to tell me about all his affairs, he looked at me with surprise,I told him I'm tired of different women claiming he's the father to their child/ren. He explained to me how they ask him how and told me he was sorry for sleeping around with them. I ask if there are any other women apart from those I knew about and he said many. I was already crying, what have I done to this man to deserve what he has done. I ask him to call all his women and request custodian of his children and anyone that refuse should never come to claim him as the father. He was surprised. I know it was a big risk but that's the only way I could show him how much I love and care about him.

Within a week my house was filled with seven kids, apart from mine,some are even older than my first child,but what got me more angry was that he had been cheating on me over the time before we even got married,only two were born when we were married. Many things happened afterwards, sometimes those kids tried to upset me and when I wanted to punish them they make me remember they weren't my children. It wasn't easy.

But today, I celebrate my Golden jubilee,all my children are here to celebrate with me. I was so surprised with how much love I got from them. Those that were not in country came home. My husband expired 17years ago,I wish he was here to how have raised all his children (our children) as mine,how have loved them and make them wonderful people. HAPPY JUBILEE

This is an imaginary storyline

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Avatar for Crownofbeauty0310
1 year ago
Topics: Fiction


What a wicked husband, how will he do such a thing to his own very wife. So many men out there that are still doing all these and haven't been caught so they feel it's good and that they are wise enough. I pity them cos they are ruining their lives without them knowing.

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1 year ago