This & That Prompt to Save the Day

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2 years ago

Greetings Readers!!!

Howdy my family!!!

How's your weekend is going on??? I hope you are doing well and enjoying your day. Every Weekend told us that it's time to rest and recharge our body and mind for the upcoming weekly goals. It has been 28th May almost end of the month. It was my most active month of and almost went productive. I will publish my monthly report in upcoming days.

Let's begin the today's blog topic ;

City / Beach ;

I'm living in develop city of my country. There are many opportunities for the better career as well as luxurious of life. But there is no peace of mind among the people. People are leaving in the same area but they didn't have time to have short conversation with them. Everyone is following his own benefits. No one have time to enjoy the nature. Moreover, the noise of the traffic, smoke of vehicles and accident have badly effected to human life. I am totally fed up with such place and went to spend sometime at cool and comfortable place.

Yup!!! I choose beach. I want to play football at the beach. The coconut water will be available there. I can spend night there in camping tent. Organizing bone fire with barbecue will make this stay memorable. I will breath behind the wast blue sky. I will have lots of stories when I will stare at the starry sky at night. That's going to be wonderful experience of my life.

Sweet / Savoury ;

My one and only Choice is Sweet. We have different varieties of sweet on every occasion it expand the happiness among the family members and help to strengthen relationship. Confectioners made fresh sweet over the bakery products. Barfi, Rusgula, Gulab Jaman, Sohn Halwa of Multan are among my favorite varieties of sweet.

Cat / Dog ;

"Affection for cats is part of faith." Holy Prophet( Peace Be Upon Him)

Cat is among the most clean animal and their entrance is not prohibited in mosque or house. That's why I will choose cat. I remember in my childhood day we had a small cat that we named Cheetah because her fur was like tiger. We had that cat for almost 6 month. She was so attached to our family. She went out many time but always came back. But sadly when we left that home and shifted in new home she didn't agree to join us. That was the last day when I met her, hope she will be fine.

Adventure / Comfort ;

I am adventures kind of person. I always ready for new challenges and goals. No matter how much I have been tired. I don't give up before I am successful in what I am doing. I am capacity to work 24/7 actively.

Books / Movies ;

Definitely books are the best option. Movies are not bad they have always any message for us to learn but the books are the best friend of human. It consistent on someone's research, experience and knowledge. It adds to our knowledge and polish our personality. It also motivate us to live life according to some principles.

Night In / Night Out ;

I am girl and I feel myself protective at night when I am at home. Now-a-days lawlessness, vulgarity have been prevailed. The protection of our respect and honor is our on hand. That's why I will choose to stay home at night. If I have to plan any meetings with my friends, I decide it on the off days.

Breakfast / Dinner ;

Aaaàa!! Both are very important for good health. I sometime skip dinner but always eat something in breakfast. My mother doesn't allow me to leave home breakfast. It helps me to gave the day a good start.


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I am highly thankful to my lovely Sponsors @alicecalope @Dr.Zak @Carewind @BCH_LOVER @Amjad_Ali_Waince @MD_Tibro and other for their kind support. May Almighty Allah bless you with happiness and success 💞

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2 years ago


If I am really financially stable, I would really like to live near a beach. It is a dream for me. I like books as well, so much.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You love the beach and that's the most comfortable way to express yourself more deeply when the natural beauty of the beach adorns the day and night.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yayy, guess I have an idea what to do when my writer's block enters the frame again hehe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Automatically saving this. I just answered one of your prompts lol!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My choice is also sweet because I love it. Well, for me movies does the great help to entertain, lol! City is always my choice.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

home buddy always feel comfortable as parents that you are always athome especially at night. You are such a good girl

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love sweets. So my favour will go to take lots of sweets.

$ 0.01
2 years ago