Meet the team behind Mammoth Mythics

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2 years ago
Topics: NFT, Artist, WAX

I got to chat to one of the team a while ago and was going to drop this on New years day but took some time off . Lets say this project I am really loving this such great NFTs . I chatted to jack about it .

1 of 1 hidden NFT

Hey Jack how's things ?

Hello Crackers! Good thank you, slightly overran with things today but I am now free

Your grand so busy day then ?

Always a busy day for me lately! Running this Business and also another is extremely demanding. Especially when the Mammoth Mythics team is very small at this moment in time

Oh really are you running two projects ? How small is the team ?

We are currently running one main collection at the minute but also creating an Asset NFT for our early adopters. This will generate monthly airdrops, forever for the holders of these NFTs and our team is myself, my business partner Jake, one social media manager, one developer, two artists and one animator. So quite a small team at the moment.

Oh nice so are you hoping to expand ?

Yes definitely, are you familiar with our 'World Mammoth Talent Hub' ?

No tell us more ?

So for the various NFT projects that Mammoth Mythic’s develops, over many platforms, we want to give as many career opportunities for artist all around the world, including many undiscovered talented individuals based in underdeveloped countries without the framework or infrastructure to really show their skills. Artists can choose to be rewarded with either MYTH tokens, Bitcoin, Ethereum, FIAT, or a complete mix as part of their payment to help create financial freedom.

Oh wow that's brilliant so its kind of like a scholarship as such ?

Yes, I suppose that is one way of wording it.

What brought you guys together in the first place ?

We both work with the UK's largest eCargo Micromobility company called Eskuta and we have been part of the Cryptocurrency and NFT space for a few years now and early this year, we decided that instead of discussing certain flaws in the space, we would create a brand to tackle these issues head on and that's how Mammoth Mythics was formed.

Ah so your in crypto a while and was wax your first option ?

Yes, we wanted to work on Wax due to it's incredible low carbon blockchain. Which is one of our biggest objectives. To be a completely carbon neutral company. We are actually partnering with tech giant, Siemens Energy and contributing a certain amount of our profits towards DAC technology which is reducing carbon almost instantly.

Oh brilliant so how did you come up with idea for your project ?

So the idea of the Kamastikra project actually came first. We wanted to develop something that was different, fun and linked in with the meme culture within the NFT space. Furthermore, there is lots more that can be added to this project in the future, with new characters, new positions, blending etc.

Brilliant . How did you come up with the ideas for your NFTs ?

So our NFTs stem from so many ideas we've had. The KamaStikra idea came from the fact we do not see many Indian inspired collections and the ability to have so much fun with Kama Sutra position and character variations was what really signed the deal for us. Then without knowing this beforehand, we then realized we could have multiple layers of rarity built into each and every card due to all the different combinations that can be done. We are really looking forward to the blending aspect as well because we would like our cards to evolve through animation and story telling.

Do you have many stories' ready to go ?

They're still very much in the develop stage still. We like to work as close as possible with our Artist, SoapyGrenade, with the KamaStikra collection. He has some great ideas and we really want to support our artists in every way we can, including their artistic take on the collections they create. But we will be looking at implementing storylines that tie into the whole NFT and Cryptocurrency space so its relevant.

Of course so how did you find your artist?

So when we began our journey, we had no contacts in this space. We began networking on Twitter but was struggling to find someone that understood our concept. Then one day when listening to 'The Bad Crypto Podcast', Travis Wright actually said to use a platform such as Fiverr to find talented artists from all around the world. We decided to give it a go and decided to post a request. Over 100 artists applied and we went through a vigorous recruitment to find someone that would understand our vision. That person was SoapyGrenade.

Ah brilliant so when did you launch your first NFT ?

Our first NFT was the 'Original Founder Token' that basically solidified the start of the Mammoth Mythics journey. We only minted 100 of these on Wax and still to this day, there are only 100 of these. We minted these back in July and actually gave them all away. Not one of these were sold.

Wow not even on the second hand market ?

Nope, you can get them now from various sellers but we never wanted to sell our first NFT . One day, we hope it will be a cool talking point within our community and the NFT space .

What has been your favorite the team has created ?

So far it is most definitely the KamaStikra Perfect Pairing Cards. As they are animated it really brings the collection to life for us .

Can we have a picture ?

Of course.

They are class how come they are your favorite ?

These were the last cards to be created in the collection, the excitement and anticipation of seeing how these cards would come out was with us for most of the journey to creating this collection. Which took around 3 months to create.

And how do you guys decide on design and finished product ?

At the moment, it is basically decided between myself, my business partner Jake, and the Artist. Once we begin to grow our community to a larger number, we will giving voting rights to high role members to help us in these decisions. We want to incorporate our community as much as possible moving forward. We did actually take to a vote for the 'Perfect Mythic Cupid Card' which you will be able to see in the Discord Server

And how long does each NFT take to create ?

So the KamaStikra collection, which consists of 500 cards took just over three months to create .

What programs does the artist use to create ?

He uses, Adobe Photoshop, Davinci Resolve and OBS Studio

Have you guys done any collabs ?

We have not yet no, but we will be looking at doing a few in the new years with some project ideas that we have .

Any artist who would be your dream collab ?

Banksy, but that is probably never going to happen!

Lets say in the NFT world ?

Ok in the NFT world, I would have to say Blockchain Hero's as Joel Comm and Travis Wright were our main inspiration to begin this NFT journey.

Good choice . How many do you have in the team ?

So we have a total of 5 Myself and Jake as the Co-Founders SoapyGrenade as our In-house Artists FinnFirrior as our Guest Artist & Animator Grant, our social media manager

Where you all from ?

Me and Jake are from the UK, Grant is from Scotland, SoapyGrenade is from Botswana and Finfirrior is from Korea .

Oh wow quite global . Who is your favorite NFT artist ?

I personally (Jack) really like Blunt Action, I think his animations are a real benchmark in the NFT space.

What's the biggest collection in your wallet ?

Wow now that is a good question. CorpWorldHel on Wax and MTA on OpenSea.

Jonezy from corpworld is a lovely guy . Can you ever see this project on other blockchains ?

We will most definitely be on other blockchains. We aim to be a completely cross-chain NFT brand .

What blockchain will be next and when ?

It will be based on Ethereum, we have an exciting project that we believe will change the way NFTs will be purchased forever. We can't say much about it right now as we are working close with some companies but we are confident in saying this project will be the definition of combining NFT smart contract technology with real world functionality.

What has been the hardest part of your project ?

The hardest part has been the technical side at the back end. We want to learn as much as we can so that we can innovate and understand what is possible so we do not solely rely on developers etc.

Tell us something random about you ?

About me... ok well I am a travel fanatic, my partner and I want to travel to all 195 countries. We are currently on 31, so a long way to go but we still have time on our side!

Nice do what you do in your spare time when your not managing your project ?

Things are really stepping up now and time is passing by at a frightening pace! So I also work for an all electric micro-mobility company. We are the leaders in eCargo in the UK so I have been immersed in new world technologies for quite some time now. When I get some spare time (which is rare these days) I like to travel.

Where is the best place to keep up with your project ?

By far Discord is the best place to go for more information. There's lots there and so many of our members are already so knowledgeable about the project and its a very wholesome community.

Where can we buy your NFT's?

You can buy the NFT's in packs at

Any chance of a competition ?

Il happily give one pack away on here but we also run many competitions and giveaways. We will allocate 5 Standard packs worth $15 each and 5 Mammoth packs worth $25 each!

Is there anything you would like to say or add ?

We are an NFT brand, not a singular project. The Kamastikra project is just the very beginning. We are changing the NFT world for the better. You have now found an NFT company that will give you full transparency that you can Trust.

A big thank you to Jack for chatting with me and this is a collection you need to get involved and looking forward to the future of this project .

If you want to the pack of there nfts drop your WAX address below this is article only competition .

$ 12.03
$ 11.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @PVMihalache
$ 0.20 from @Pantera
+ 10
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Avatar for Crackers
2 years ago
Topics: NFT, Artist, WAX


"If you want a Pack" Hell Yeah I want a pack I want multiple packs but I will be a happy baby if I just catch one... very good stuff thanks mate. rx2r4.wam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me also want to join 🥳


$ 0.00
2 years ago


Hope I am not too late 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you 🥰


$ 0.00
2 years ago and happy new year

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tysm! mgcbg.wam

$ 0.00
User's avatar J0x
2 years ago

Thank you :) ng5s2.wam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks in advance


$ 0.00
2 years ago