Meet the artist behind FundotXCutie{;F.XC}

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So after a short break due to moving house we are back with a meet the artist and this artist is bringing something to different and have to say I like it he has worked on different blockchains with his work and currently has a pack of a NFTs.


Hello hello

How you ?

I'm fine thank you very much and yourself?

What got you into crypto?

Researching Silkroad back in 2013.

How did you get discover NFTs?

With erc-721's a way for notarizing art pieces was alway important. World verifiably open source nodes was a way to accomplish this.

Why did you choose WAX for your project?

Original ETH wallet turned into a zombie wallet while traveling in Laos (an entirely other long story), and then I went to EOS and after onto WAXP. 

What is the idea behind your project?

Automatic drawing technique with a mixture of Surrealism and Cubism and some other minimal edits.

When did launch? 

Chooties launch in a few days.

How many NFTs have you dropped so far? 

59,700 (

What was the first one you dropped? 

On superRare march 15 2019:

How did the community react? 

Amazing, they went wild. They went crazy!
What is the process of making your NFTs ? 

Different for different projects. Sometimes for exploration of style, telling a story, testing economic principal hypothesis modal, learning a new imagination medium, etc.

What programs you use for creation?

Non-Linear Editors (NLE), GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), and ink and paper. Along with hundreds of other applications that are mixed and matched together.

How long this each NFT take to create? 

Depends on the style.

What is your favorite NFT you have made? Why?

My chooties, because they are the newest, hot, fresh.

Have you done any collabs? 


Who would be your dream collab? 

Anyone from my collected NFT's. They are all great.

Are you a collector of NFTs? 

Yes, I have over 23,000 collected NFTs ( just uncheck whitelisted only)

Who is your favorite NFT artist?

I like many artists for different reasons each one.

What has been the best part of doing your project?

The entire process was pleasurable. Drawing, editing, uploading, marketing, pricing, releasing, etc.

What has been the hardest part? 

The money.

What's the long-term goal of the project?

Incorporate more blends or splinter of pack opens of the chooties or make them into blends. Many possibilities to explore (currently playing a lot in NeftyBlocks and AtomicHub, have yet to do a drop on NFTHive)

What does your family think of your project?

They love it. They are all involved with crypto in their own ways.

Have you introduced anyone to WAX? 

Yes, especially when I used to travel.

What you like to do to unwind?

Ride Bicycle, love bicycles (here is my last bike tour: ). Was 1,200 km

Tell us something random about you? 

Flew an airplane once. So much fun.

Where is the best place to keep up with the project?

Where can we buy your NFTs?

When is the next drop? but unpack is in a few days
Any chance of a drop or competition for the readers ? 

In the future, yes. At the moment it is not in the business plan and need to think of a way to incorporate.

Is there anything you would like to add or say before we finish?
Thank you for having us :).

I am giving away one of his NFT packs away to win check below

$ 1.58
$ 1.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Lixten
Sponsors of Crackers
