The order exists when the objects or events are located in the place or in the place or at the right time, according to criteria. It is a basic habit that although it is associated with the material order, it also refers to the order of the person. Being orderly allows you to learn to keep ideas clear, to distribute your time and to be more effective in achieving objectives.
The organization is the act of disposing of the elements and actions in such a way that allows achieving a goal. Knowing how to organize requires knowing how to organize ideas, plan how to act to achieve a goal, set priorities, assess the tools available and manage them. Being organized will allow you to achieve many of your goals in life.
Everything in its place ... All things have a place, the sky, the ground, the leaves, there is a place for everything.
Time orders, even if you don't see it, but it always goes with you. It goes on and on, sometimes it flies by and sometimes it seems to be going very slowly. We have to know him well to organize ourselves.
The passage of time causes things to change in size or color. Look, for example, in a plant the seeds become beautiful plants with roots, stems and leaves.
At school, at home with friends and family, you belong to a group and that makes you live in an orderly way. Everything, even if we don't see it, has an order and a little.
The basic components of order are time and space, it is very important to focus on space.
The world is ordered when everything is in its place. Look around.
Where are the things? Are they in place?
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