This very sweet liquid that bees make is composed of two types of sugars: glucose, which gives us energy; fructose, which gives honey that peculiar flavor.
In its natural state, it does not contain chemical substances, such as additives to preserve it, sodium, etc.
The taste of honey: the taste and color of honey vary according to the flora of the area where the bees obtain nectar (a basic ingredient of honey). The different flavors are derived mostly from orange (orange blossom), sage, alfalfa, black wheat (buckwheat), nisa and other flowers. Sometimes, however, it is the result of the combination of several different flowers. The lighter the shade of honey, the softer it tastes.
Types of honey to buy: Liquid honey, the most popular, is extracted from the honeycomb and is not crystallized. Honey cream contains fine crystals, which make it thicker. Honeycomb is sold with the honeycomb.
How to store it: store honey, in any of its forms, in an airtight container (preferably glass), in a cool, dark and dry place. She tends to absorb moisture. Liquid honey will crystallize gradually when stored for a long time; refrigerating it speeds up this process. To liquefy it, just place the container in warm water.
Ideas to combine it: honey is an excellent complement to many dishes. It's great with toast, pancakes, ice cream, sorbet, milk, fruit, cereal, or soda.
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Honey has so many benefits, that I would lose count ... in my house there is never a lack of honey, a flu, a cut, in short, so many things