Believe it or not, the website is a one man show.
I read the entire post from the creator of and I sympathize with his situation. This is my open letter response and request (as if he needed more requests).
Hello creator of,
You have created something awesome. You are a rare breed-- an individual with the ability not only to develop, but also create a front-end and create something that has viral traction. This is amazing and a one-in-a-million find.
That being said, You clearly need help to run such an expanding and growing platform. You have been trying to manage it mostly yourself, as a one man army.
Not that you are asking for my advice, but if you did, I would say: Please help yourself out and delegate tasks and jobs to others, and use the funding of to pay the help you hire. It is the only model that makes sense. You cannot continue to wear yourself down to the bone, and what you are doing certainly isn't scalable. (you already know that and essentially stated it).
Thank you for what you do, and I hope that by utilizing the generous contributions to, this will enable you to outsource and delegate responsibilities and workload.
You've been sacrificing a lot of your own time and effort to the Bitcoin Cash cause. And this is tremendously commendable. Since selfless giving is what you do best, consider it the next level of giving toward Bitcoin Cash, to delegate and outsource workload, to allow to expand beyond the limitations of what any single man is capable.
UPDATE: The founder replied to this letter, here:
By the way, I promoted in my recent video at timestamp 20:53
It is important to see this website as a business, and sometimes to add folks help to expand it.