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2 years ago

Date: October, 16, 2021

Author: Cocogrey

Good morning read cash fam.

For this blog, I have no intention to promote religion as a Catholic Faith Defender I just want to clarify some things that many questions about our faith one example is purgatory.

So if you ever read this article, please don't bash me. Explaining what others didn't understand in our faith is not bad, isn't it?

Just imagine you are explaining your side if someone accused you of something you did not do.


The Purgatory

One of the proofs that the Lord God and the Catholic Church are good is the One True Church.

If you are a member of a Bible Only sect and you do not believe in Purgatory, this topic is for you.

Let's break down, examine like a surgeon the Catholic belief in Purgatory. For good conversation, I will put the numbers and tell you, where NUMBER you stopped, where you disagree and hopefully you can also clearly explain why you disagree with what is written in this number. Do you agree?

NOTE: Please note the number you do not agree with. Thank you.

Why Purgatory?

1) God is good. (Psalm 107: 1) Do you agree? If you agree, please continue with number 2.

2) Heaven is the new Jerusalem, it is home to pure souls. If you agree, proceed to number 3.

3) No unclean person can enter heaven. (Revelation 21:27: “But nothing unclean shall enter it…”)

4) If you get to number 4 without seeing anything you are objecting to, it means you believe God is NOT BAD. Because there is heaven for good souls and he does not allow sin to accompany them.

5) The person with superficial sins (venial sins) should not be sent straight to Hell. Because it is not fair for him to burn forever in hell, eternity, because of superficial sin only. Because God is reasonable or good, he will not allow this to happen. (you agree to this because you reached number 5 without complaining)

6) Because it says in number-3, no unclean thing can enter heaven. That is, the soul is first cleansed of its superficial sins before it can enter heaven. Do you agree?

If you’ve reached number 6 and you haven’t complained yet, let’s move on.

7) When you get to number-7, that is, you are like the early Christians who believed here that those who enter heaven are only clean, people with superficial sin do not go straight to hell because God is just and good. He could not go to heaven immediately because he was not clean and it was clearly stated that no unclean person could enter heaven. Do you agree that you share the same beliefs as the early Christians?

8.) Since you have reached number 7, it means you also believe that the soul is purified before entering heaven. If the Church calls this event Purgatory, no sin has taken place. Because you were willing to believe this before, you reached number 8 and you were willing that nothing bad happened, just given the call. No one was harmed, the Church did not lie, the Church did not encourage sin. In other words, no sin occurred. That is, there is nothing wrong with believing in Purgatory.

9) When you love the person, you will pray for him so that he will not perish. It is only right to pray for those who are in a state of purification or what the Church calls purgatory.

10) God is good so there is Purgatory. Because if the person whose sin is only superficial is taken by God to hell to burn the soul for all of eternity, it is no longer a good deed because it is not just. Nor is it just that even the unclean from sin can enter heaven, the home of good people and God, the fountain of righteousness. Because God is good, there is Purgatory. If Purgatory is right and the Catholic Church believes in it, why are you not in the Catholic Church?

Where did you stop, what number did you reject and don’t want to believe? Why? When you don’t pronounce the number it means you believe it and you don’t re-reject it.

Thank you.

I hope you guys don't feel bad at me for sharing something offensive to others' beliefs as I said in my intro this is not my intention to ruin faith. Hope you guys understand me I just explaining my side.

And please remember that I have no intention to challenge debate with another sect. JUST LOVE. hehe

God bless and God loves us. PROMISE.

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Avatar for Cocogrey
2 years ago


I really don't have any problem with any church's beliefs or doctrines provided we serve God with a pure and holy heart as the Bible states it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen thank you for your understanding sir. Godbless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

LOL like we had something in here, hehe I am closed when the topic was mentioned this kind. We are rational beings and different in beliefs, not a catholic thou but I know how to respect others religions by not doing such downvotes or degrade the author hayst.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank pare for understanding. :) you are such a good friend hehe it's okay, there is kind of people like that if they can not control their feelings when they are offended. It's clearly in my first paragraph that I raise my apology before I start my blog. Thank you again God bless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

False teaching. As a former Catholic, I came to a knowledge of the birth of God's word. You, sir, are spreading false teachings. Not a single Church leader of the early church said a word about purgatory. Not one mention. It is an invention of the Catholic Church for profit, just as Martin Luther said it was.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unfortunately, sir, you did not offer a verse or verses that prove the existence of purgatory. I therefore challenge you to do so because the Bible is clear about what happens upon our death it is straight to heaven straight to hell with absolutely no stopovers. Kindly demonstrate otherwise with verses. Thank you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Reading the comments, I saw but one verse that the gentleman attempted to apply. It is as you say, entirely out oof context. We have to realize that people would rather believer their leaders than God's word which is plain to those who believe regarding this topic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nobody ever prayed someone who is dead into heaven. That's not how it works.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Correct. Indulgences are sinful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, they definitely are sinful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually scotty17. Purgatory is real. If you are reading the bible some of his disciples dream about Purgatory. Yes there is a word that every dead comes to heaven straight, but it is only those spirit of human is just and believe in God so much. For those who died in sins can temporary be in Hell until the Judgement of God come. I will debate with you with this. Because i personally know about whats in the bible. I always read and watch about bible verses and some information about our God. Then if you didn't believe Purgatory then you must read all texts in the bible for you to understand. I respect those religions of yours but for me as christians or born again. Purgatory is real and we cannot deny that fact. Sorry to tell you this because i want also many people to know about Purgatory. Because once you didn't believe in Purgatory you will continue to do bad things here on earth. Once you believe in Purgatory you will onlu do good here on earth because you are afraid to not enter in heaven you died. Died with God is so priceless and happy.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Again, this is a false Catholic tradition and is not Scriptural. You offer no Scriptural proof. None. Sorry, but these are the traditions Jesus spoke about that were sinful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Again this article is not intended to have a debate with anyone. :) thank you for reading it, sir. I now closed this topic. If I offended you, sir. My apology.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You wrote it, so defend it. If not, silence yourself because you are doing harm to true believers. Do you not know that teachers will be judged more harshly?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay, sir, the word purgatory will not read in english bible. And the words purgatory came from Anglo-Norman French purgatorie or medieval Latin purgatorium, neuter. So if we read the latin bible we will found there the word purgatory.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Verses, please. The Bible is God's word and nowhere in the Bible will we find any doctrine about purgatory. It is a heretical teaching that leads people astray to their own potential damnation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In Medieval Latin, the word for this place is "Purgatorium." This word then became "Purgatory" in Middle English. The word "purgatory" also comes directly from Scripture, regarding 1 Corinthians 3:15.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're being defensive. Show Verse. Support. Simple!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

1 Corinthians: Chapter 3:15

si cuius opus arserit detrimentum patietur ipse autem salvus erit sic tamen quasi per ignem

If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

It's referred to the purgatory.

What is purgatory? Answer: having the quality of cleansing or purifying a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. "all her sins were forgiven and she would not need to go to Purgatory"

Yan na po ang sagot ko sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Out of context. Way out of context. Move to the truth; your soul depends on it. The word of God is true, not your parish priest and false doctrines.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

$ 0.01
2 years ago