This is my first post at I'm here to practice my writing skills and maybe engage anonymously with strangers about interesting ideas. I like to read books, and I plan to share what I am reading here. Right now I am reading The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins for a class I'm taking. Have you ever thought about why scientists think they know how species have evolved from primitive life? What evidence do they look at and how do they draw their conclusions? How about all the arguments your pastor drags out about why eyes and lungs couldn't possibly have evolved naturally - how do scientists approach such apparent counter-evidence? This book answers those questions, and does so beautifully. I really admire Richard Dawkins' sense of wonder and beauty in life. To those who say there is no way to have spiritual values with a scientific worldview, Dawkins is one of the many who prove them wrong.

Maybe I will write more about that book as I continue to read it (I've only read through chapter 4 so far). I have a bunch of other books on my to-read list as well. Please comment with what you like to read! Maybe we will have something in common :)

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@ClassicJonah posted 3 years ago
