Living in my place.

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2 years ago
Topics: Story

How is living in my place?

I have said in so many times that I have grown up in difficult life and bad economy , i have so many bad memories from my childhood and i will never never forget them because they made me who I’m today.

Living in my place ( City) is and beautiful and bad things also!!! You can say why ? For so many reasons Guys. Small place bad economy, small salaries, like for example 250$ a month working in a market, bad people who only try to make you feel bad. People who don’t look at their business their family, they only want to enter on peoples life and know everything about them .

Things here are so bad , like in every small country of the world. I know because I read and see all the difficulties that people have with their life and living places.

I made this photo Today and I don’t know even when the view can say everything i don’t know how to describe my feelings watching this. This is in front of their houses, you can understand very well their conditions, their lives and imagine how they live inside , I don’t know but I feel very bad about this. Even that I feel pain watching this , I love this amazing photography.

Thinking that there are a lot of places who have good economy and they live in luxury homes and they do a different life from ours…This make me feel sad but I don’t care because there are a lot of people who has money but they don’t have happiness.

I hope you enjoy and understand my thoughts and the meaning of every single word that I wrote here. I only post my original content , photos that i made by myself and my real stories .

I wish you a beautiful day. ✨

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2 years ago
Topics: Story
