Be Motivated.

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2 years ago

Never be upset about the success of others. Be brave enough to give the credit where it’s been earned and use it as motivation to bring out the best you. Life is too short to live frustrated, upset over things that many times we have no control over. People have a right to their opinions, but you have a right to ignore them. People have a right to be rude, but you have a right to stay happy.

A line of thought best described by the phrase 'If I can't have it, then neither can you' is known as crab mentality. When a crab trapped in a bucket tries to escape, other crabs will inevitably pull it down, ensuring the group's collective demise. Give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up! Everyone makes mistakes, has setbacks and failures. You don't come with a book on how to get it right all the time. You will fail sometimes, not because you planned to, but simply because you're human.

Failure is a part of creating a great life. Stand up to it and handle it with grace. Because, you can. See people for who they're becoming. Not who they were. Make a habit of not holding someone's past against them. When someone works hard to grow and change into a better person, allow them to show up as that person. Don't judge their story by the chapter you walked in on.

Humans are too multi-dimensional to be reduced to a label. Despite how helpful it might be initially to label someone, please see and honour yourself and others for the spirited, unique, layered, evolving beings that we all are; and consider how limiting label can be. It can be devastating when a friend or partner betrays your trust. Even more so when in searching for reasons for the betrayal, we end up blaming ourselves. But remember that you are not to blame for other people's poor judgement or behavior. Comparing will literally steal your joy for no reason because there really is something for everybody. Don’t miss enjoying what you bring to the table worried about what’s on somebody else’s.

Irrespective of developed skills, natural talents, physical capabilities or intellectual genius, all expended effort that excludes the Lord will be rendered futile and fruitless. Except the Lord keep the home, the family, the city or the church, the watchman’s labour or the minister’s effort will be in vain – for neither diligence nor alertness will profit one whit, without the Lord Himself at the helm. How blessed, therefore, is the home, the family, the nation – the people, who have God as the head of their house and Lord of their lives. Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan.

You're going to get through this. Everything will be just fine. Remember all those tough times in the past you thought you weren't going to make it through? Well, you're still here, and the pain you're dealing with today will be no different! You are more powerful than you think. Please keep going.

Be Motivated- @ClDvor

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Written by
2 years ago
