Hi, let me introduce myself first. I am Christine and I am 22 years of age. I am graduating student from the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program. Before registering here, I saw a lot of member of noise.cash that posting the link of read.cash and I saw a lot of them talking about articles that they wrote. Joining here is a choice and also a chance. Creating a topic is a very critical for a beginner. Everything in the content must be link with each other or else one unsuit sentence will mislead the reader. Use also words that are shallow or easily to understand. Contents can be sharing your knowledge, sharing your experiences, and also sharing questions too. After creating an article read it twice so you can feel what your readers might feel while reading those things. Titles must be catchy too.


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@Christine22 posted 3 years ago


Hello Christine, welcome to the platform.

In case you want to maximize the amount of tips that you can receive, here are the details on what to take into account. 😊


I have liked your article and subscribed to your blog. 😊

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