Introducing to Eco Smart

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Avatar for ChrissCrypto
3 years ago

Investment opportunities present themselves to us every day, but how do we choose?

We have to take time to get interested in the project, review the site, do our research on the internet, etc... This work is long and tedious, but it is also a way for us to protect ourselves, and especially to protect our investments.

One thing that comes up often is MLM, unfortunately this word suffers from a bad reputation! We've all heard stories of people who have been scammed by MLMs, selling them dreams, promising them the impossible and fortune without having to do anything.


But that's when people should open their eyes! It is 100% impossible to earn money (let alone make a fortune) without having to do something.


Do you remember those great success stories we've all heard at least once in our lives? We have the impression that for them everything was easy, but think again! It's less glamorous to tell people that nothing is easy, that you have to work hard, that you have to sweat, that you have to work even harder than others, that you have to stay motivated from the first minute to the last! To be able to make your project, your dream, your ambition come true …

So when it comes to an investment, you must not take anything lightly, you must take into consideration all the elements, and not just those that can make you dream! The sale of a 'dream' only benefits the seller, not the buyer.

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It is with this in mind that I would like to come back to Eco Smart.

I'm not hiding the fact that it's an MLM, but under no circumstances am I going to sell you a dream, I'm going to keep it short, precise and down to earth.


This project was launched on April 12 of this year, and in less than 2 months, more than 14,000 people have invested in Eco Smart. To date this represents 130 Million TRX!

But besides investing, investors have already earned 60 Million TRX (Referral commission + Weekly dividends). Dividends are paid directly into their TRX Wallet.

Like any project, Eco Smart needs funding to develop, if we take a look at their Roadmap, we can see that the first step is to Create a Community.

The second step is to work and develop the Game Center, this goal is achieved because Eco Smart has reached more than 50 Million TRX invested.

The third step is Payment gateway and digital currency wallet, this one is also reached as Eco Smart has counted 100 Million TRX invested on May 23rd!

The next step will be to reach 190 Million TRX, to be able to create and develop the AI Robot.


So concretely, what could you gain from investing in Eco Smart?

Many things :

  • The first of which is the opportunity earn weekly dividends on the amount of ECS Token you hold (When you invest in a Pack, with a minimum of 5050 TRX, your investment is converted into ECS Token), the passive income that always pleases us.

  • Then allow you to join a solid project, already well advanced in terms of funding.

  • And finally, build your network at your own pace, and involve other people in this adventure.


If you have any questions about Eco Smart, its projects, advantages, etc... you can join us on Telegram, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Being part of a community in this kind of project is also an important asset, it allows us not to be alone, to always be able to count on someone, to be able to count on the help of others, to benefit from their support ... And all this while also having time to have fun.

So as you can see, Eco Smart does not sell a utopian dream, does not offer you fortune without doing anything, but Eco Smart offers you a solid, sustainable and realistic project.

And we're here to accompany you

It's up to you to know when you too want to join this adventure. Please note that registration is only done through a Parent link (and no one can start without this link).

Feel free to join us on Telegram (French Telegram Channel). Greet me if you see me there :), and say you come from me (@Chriss)


Credits photo:


Christophe WILHELM




$ 0.00
Avatar for ChrissCrypto
3 years ago


Thank you for the thorough work you did on Eco Smart. You have said a lot to convince us. I will look at the project again. Thanks.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Today they will reduce token, so you have time to have 5189 ECS token for your investment :) Tomoro you will recieve feww less ECS tokens, if you wait :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago