Do you know that words are powerful, they have the potential to either encourage or discourage, build-up or tear down, give life or kill depending on the type or kind of words we hear and speak to one another.
So in order not to offend or destroy ourselves through our own words we must become like babies and learn how to speak from but a true and a safe source known as God's Word. "The word of God is perfect, it revives the soul; the word of God is sure, it makes the simple wise; the word of the God is right, it rejoices the heart; the word of God is pure, it enlightens the eyes; the word of God is clean, it endures forever; the word of God is true and righteous altogether. The word of God is more precious than gold, even much pure gold; the word is sweeter than honey, even honey from the comb. By the word we are warned to keep them for there is a great reward. There's no Life without the word "Every word of God proves true; and the word is a shield to those who take refuge in it. Hear the word and speak the word read Psalms 19:7-11 and Proverbs 30:5.
Let's be mindful of the power words posses, let's allow the Holy spirit through God's Word to guide us as to what we hear and speak to another. We have the power to encourage or discourage others, through our words and may God tame our tongues.
To God be the Glory always.
Do you know that words are powerful, they have the potential to either encourage or discourage, build-up or tear down, give life or kill depending on the type or kind of words we hear and speak to one another.
So in order not to offend or destroy ourselves through our own words we must become like babies and learn how to speak from but a true and a safe source known as God's Word. "The word of God is perfect, it revives the soul; the word of God is sure, it makes the simple wise; the word of the God is right, it rejoices the heart; the word of God is pure, it enlightens the eyes; the word of God is clean, it endures forever; the word of God is true and righteous altogether. The word of God is more precious than gold, even much pure gold; the word is sweeter than honey, even honey from the comb. By the word we are warned to keep them for there is a great reward. There's no Life without the word "Every word of God proves true; and the word is a shield to those who take refuge in it. Hear the word and speak the word read Psalms 19:7-11 and Proverbs 30:5.
Let's be mindful of the power words posses, let's allow the Holy spirit through God's Word to guide us as to what we hear and speak to another. We have the power to encourage or discourage others, through our words and may God tame our tongues.
To God be the Glory always.