More than just a Fairy Tale

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2 years ago

When our children grow up and go out from our homes to the world, they encounter "heat"-wrong peers, vices, a bad kind of education, drugs, unhealthful practices, worldly pleasures, etc. They use their heads unwisely and end up splitting not only their heads, but also their lives.

We parents try all we can to alter the logical consequences for them, but we're helpless. Then we turn to the place of refuge the Christian school! where our children, sick in the head, dying, and dead in sin can be revived. There's Elisha with his gift of life-giving, the Christlike teacher who can make lifeless children come to life again. Can for Christian teachers who have you thank God impacted your children's lives?

In our dealing with misbehavior, with our erring children, no substitute exist for parental prayers. The stick is not the answer, just as Elisha's staff did not revive the dead boy. Every parent must take time to pray with each child daily, because the young have their individual temptations to meet, battles to win, and needs to be fulfilled. Every child has to be understood as a distinct individual.

In his next move toward resuscitation, Elisha put his mouth and eyes upon the boy's own mouth and eyes. Quite scary, isn't it? It's really risky when we adults place ourselves in the place of the young-trying to understand why they're saying what they're telling us, and trying to see the world through their eyes. Then we begin to realize their needs behind their deeds, the reasons for their behavior.

Can you imagine Elisha placing his hands upon the young hands? And then stretching himself upon him? Doesn't that speak of friendship, of a special relationship? Fathers and mothers who are too busy to build memories with their children cannot expect a home filled with the spirit of joy and life.

Imagine again Elisha returning and walking to and fro, then later administering first aid. Life reviving takes a lot of patience. We do not expect dramatic and positive results immediately after meting out disciplinary measures to misbehaving youth. We have to spend time praying, reflecting, and relating.

Going to the boy's room, the prophet stretched himself on the corpse once more, who by now was waxing warm. Suddenly, the boy sneezed seven times-the signal for complete restoration to life!-and then opened his eyes.

Can a "resurrection" come about in our homes? Absolutely-if parents and teachers follow the "Elisha" steps to revival.

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2 years ago
