Keep going
Life is but an ocean of demoralising waves, wild tides and strong current. They may seem compellingly appalling at times, frightening at most. They may crush and destabilise one's stance, one may feel demotivated and down casted but it should not be the reasons to cease trying and move forward.
The vastness of life does not present any secret formula as to how to face all the oddities it brings. It hold all those unbeknown from our knowledge. It flows and ebb in various degrees. It if full of uncertainties.
Yet, one thing remains most certain. All the complexities life has to give are nothing but hurdles to go over with.
They are what spice up a stagnant existence, they are the benchmarks of personal growth.
Man has voyaged life in pursuit of a higher purpose. And as we sail our ship. May we find the reason to keep going. Anchor vision and enliven the prime reason why we started to aspire. No biggest wave can ever crush a soul that thrive and perserveres.
Amidst every wave, tide and current. Keep going!