Do you ever just meet someone new after anticipating for a long time and you just feel disappointed all of a sudden?
It freaks me out to wait days, weeks or months to finally meet a person and it turns out not even close to what I had expected. It doesn't have to be anything romantic, probably a platonic relationship or meeting platform.
Many people lack charisma which is the key to captivating the heart of most people. This is the reason why you feel disappointed after meeting someone and vice versa. You have to be able to give a very lasting impression or first-time experience and by so doing, you create a long term memory in the mind of the person.
It could be a simple smile, a meaningless but entertaining conversation, small talks, making the person feel comfortable. It could also be giving a good advice or a helping hand. These things seems so small but yet so genuine and that's all that matters.
Have you ever anticipated a meeting with anyone? How did it go?!
Nice one