Booster Injection
A vaccine injection given some time after a previous one to strengthen or renew immunity.
The large, soft mass of nerve tissue within the skull. It weighs about 1.3 kg and is the center of the nervous system. It is the seat of consciousness, the subconscious, memory, emotion and reason.
Pigeon Chest
An abnormally prominent breastbone (sternum), which may be present from birth or develop during childhood. Usually pigeon chest is harmless, but if the chest is so seriously deformed that heart and lung movement are restricted, surgical correction may be necessary.
Sometimes called a fit or a seizure, a convulsion is a violent involuntary contraction of the muscles. Convulsions may occur for a variety of reasons such as brain injury, insufficient blood to the brain, brain tumors, excessive alcohol, drugs, epilepsy, overdose of insulin in diabetes, brain inflammation from such diseases as meningitis and encephalitis. Severe fever in a child will sometimes cause convulsions. Whatever the reason for convulsions, call a doctor.