A narcotic drug obtained from the leaves of the South American coca plant. Although it has been used in the past for its medicinal properties as a local anesthetic, most doctors are ow wary of its harmful side-effects. It is a powerful stimulant which produces short-lived excitement, euphoria and often pleasant hallucinations. Overdose causes delirium, convulsions, respiratory failure and even death. Cocaine is illegally used by drug-dependent persons in spite of the risk of adverse effects. Although it does not cause physical addiction (there are no withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped), users become psychologically dependent on its effects. Cocaine is taken in many ways, including chewing or smoking the coca leaves, inhaling the crystalline pure substance distilled from the leaves, or by injection. Crack is a somewhat purer and more concentrated form of regular cocaine. It is dried and broken into tiny chunks known as crack rocks. The little pellets are usually smoked in glass pipes.
The tailbone, attached to the sacrum at the lower end of the spine.
The fluid-filled spiral cavity, in the shape of a coiled shell, lying in the inner ear and containing the organs of hearing.
Those 3 Cs are informative articles. The two are part of the organs of the body and the other one is substance taken into the body. Well all are related to health.