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4 years ago

The premature ending of any process before it reaches its natural conclusion. Medically, abortion refers to a pregnancy finishing before the fetus is mature enough to survive.

Spontaneous Abortion - also called miscarriage - happens when pregnancy terminates without any outside interference, and usually to the great disappointment of the parents. the reason for miscarriage is often obscure but thought to be due to a defect in the fetus, placenta, uterus or cervix, or the hormonal support of the pregnancy. It may also be caused by fever or viral illness in the mother. The symptoms of impending abortion are bleeding from the uterus, usually accompanied by lower abdominal cramps. When this happens during pregnancy, consult a doctor without delay. Several terms are used to describe spontaneous abortion:

  • Threatened abortion. Bleeding from the uterus in the early or middle months of pregnancy without the death of the fetus. The bleeding may settle and the pregnancy survive.

  • Incomplete abortion. Part of the conception has been expelled from the uterus. The remaining part causes bleeding - often severe. The remaining conceptus must be removed by suction or curettage so that bleeding will stop.

  • Inevitable abortion. When there has been much bleeding and the cervix has dilated, there is no possibility of the pregnancy surviving.

  • Missed abortion. The fetus has died but remains in the uterus.

  • Habitual abortion. Spontaneous abortion occurring in three or more successive pregnancies.

  • Septic abortion. Miscarriage associated with infection in the uterus. In septic incomplete abortion, it may be impossible to know whether the infection is the cause or the result of the miscarriage.

Induced Abortion. The deliberate termination of a pregnancy, either by surgical removal of the conception from the uterus or by inducing premature labour so that contractions of the uterus expel the pregnancy. In skilled medical hands, abortion carries minimal risk of complication: indeed it is the safest of all surgical procedures. The legal position regarding induced abortion in Australia varies from State to State. Any woman seeking termination of pregnancy should see her doctor as early as possible for information and advice about the appropriate medical and legal requirements.

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4 years ago


Abortion is not legal in our country. It is morally wrong.

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4 years ago

so much wrong

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4 years ago